In my mind, I am writing many blogs, updating progress as we go.
In my mind, I am taking photographs, uploading and sharing them with you.
In reality, however, I am burning out, rarely home, and very tired. I miss my routines, my quiet, my time to write and work on handwork. In the midst of this pregnancy, when I desire to build up a nest, I am packing it all up…and getting ready to move into a *potential* nest.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement people send. Even tonight, my husband came home and shared how a patient of his wistfully told him that in the time they lived with less, their family really had much “more”. I am hoping by faith that this will be true for us, too.
Have you all seen this one yet? It is worth sharing. I’ve often wondered how horrible it would really be if I gave up having an email address (I know…unthinkable, right?). I’m sure no one near to me will be really surprised if I chuck the computer someday. In the midst of wondering this week how to manage screen time with my children, one of our technological tools (toys?) broke. I admit being partly relieved. Yes, go outside and learn how to play with sticks and rocks and dump trucks and dolls instead. For hours. With real friends. Somehow I think you might end up smarter, healthier and happier for having done so.

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