This was a mindless craft. Meaning….I was in no mind to be thinking about following a pattern or reading directions, I just wanted to be sewing. I used felt, which is my current addiction, and drew hearts, sewed them together, stuffed them and then embroidered the words. I think they came out all right.

I was pretty clueless about what to do with these silly things. So I hung them on our tree in the living room. It almost looks *magazine-ish*.

And as much as I love all of those flea-market junk-finds that other people seem to make look SO neat in their own homes, I can never seem to awaken that creative part of my brain (is it really there?). But, I did a happy little jig when I figured out that the antique wooden screen I’ve had for-ever would be a great earring holder. Just don’t tell me that this is so-duh-old-news on the shabby chic front!

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