I have no regrets selling my espresso machine. It was expensive, it took up counter space, it took care, it demanded to be used, and it was just one more thing I needed to plug in and maintain. I’ve been ruthless in decluttering my house and I know I’m not finished yet! But I do enjoy an occasional mocha, and this is how I do it without the machine. This mocha is better than anything you’ll ever get from a coffee shop (and I’m not opposed to the occasional coffee shop, either!).
Ingredients I use:
This is the sugar I use for almost all of my baking and sugar needs at home, other than brewing kombucha (which demands sick regular ol’ toxic white sugar).
The cocoa I use has to be *just* cocoa. I look at labels and if it’s not *just* cocoa, then I’m wasting my money on extra sugar or whatever else they are putting into the can. I make my own vanilla with vanilla beans and vodka (steeped forever), and I use a bit of powdered sugar in my cream to whip for cream.
Those ingredients are good for a hot chocolate, but if you want an easy mocha, you’ll need some instant espresso. I don’t drink straight coffee and don’t know enough about *good* coffee, but I like the flavor of this kind.
- Mix 3TB sugar with 2TB cocoa into 1/4 cup of water. If you want a mocha, add about 1TB of instant espresso. Heat and stir until it’s all melted.
2. Of course, use the very best raw whole milk you can get! Add 2 cups of it to the cocoa mix, and gently heat up to the temperature you like. I make mine to 170 degrees.
3. While you’re waiting for the mocha to heat up, make the whipped cream, using of course the awesome fresh stuff off of the raw whole milk. I put in about 1/4 cup, and about 1tsp of powdered sugar. Whip it up! Lick the beaters if your kids aren’t around unless you want to call them in to share.
4. Skim off any skin that formed, and pour the mix into the biggest mug you have. I use a little battery held blender to froth up my mocha. This is where I would add a touch of vanilla, or peppermint if I wanted that instead. I don’t like to cook my extracts.
5. Top with your fresh cream, grab some printed reading material or a chair in the sunshine and enjoy. YUM!

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