After spending some time yesterday in my new kitchen, I decided that what I had to do was come up with a plan. I did the same thing when we were building our current house, and I even labeled (on paper drawings) drawers and cabinets with *exactly* what was going to go where. Last night I opened my current cabinets and took a good look around and asked myself: WHERE were these particular things going to go?
toddler plates and cups
tea and coffee goods
glasses and mugs
wraps and jar lids
mixing bowls
baking goods
vitamins and tinctures
napkins and aprons
paper goods
pantry foods
herbs and supplies
pots and pans
small appliances
table linens
special dinnerware
cookie cutters & other rarely used tools
Once I had that list, the kitchen became much easier to visualize. Oh, those will go on the open shelving on that wall…I’ll be hanging those up in that spot…these could go in the hall closet…I could put my sweet dresser in that spot and use those drawers….
I’ll be priming for paint soon, so keep visiting for updates. I’m currently pulling my hair out trying to pick “The Right White Paint”. Oy.
Here’s a picture of my current master bedroom closet; it’s a roomy walk-in, with rods on both sides and a place to dress. Yes, those are all my clothes. I hate shopping and practically only go when my girlfriends drag me and promise me fancy $5 coffee drinks while we’re out.
Annnnnnnd this is the closet we’ll be moving into. Yes, that is it. That one rod on the wall. Bet you can’t wait to see what I come up with! (Me, too!)
Oh, and lastly, here is a blog that a thoughtful reader sent to me. I found it totally inspiring! Five people living in beautiful 655 square feet.

Drag you out? LOL Love you.
LOL yep, I’m only going with friends for moral support! 🙂
I would seriously consider keeping that door to the left closed and using the space in front of it for part of your storage. You know D added that door, right? It’s not original and makes your room a passageway. The kids will be tempted to use your room as a runway on their path to the bathroom.
That cabin in your link is amazing! What a difference some white paint makes.
And if you get rid of clothes to make them fit I might have to flog you with a hundred wet noodles.
LOL! You can see I need a shopping day, both for summer AND for sanity 🙂
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
― Helen Keller, The Open Door
I see a lot of promise in that bedroom! Think pretty baskets on top to hold sweaters and such! This will be fun. Utilize all available space, think up high and under. I have shelves above my windows for storage and baskets under dressers and all beds.
Great news on your kitchen; it’s good to give everything a home! You CAN do this.
Have a blessed weekend,
Kerimae, I just found your podcast a few days ago, I love it! I have longed for a podcast to listen to that is encouraging, informative, and supportive of large families. I have seven children ages 6-21. Thank you for sharing your heart and home with your listeners.
Thank you 🙂