Morning these days is glorious. The air just smells so spring with salty sea air filtering through the woods and daffodils perfuming the air. If I could put a scratch and sniff on all of your computer screens, I would. Want to come join me for a bit this morning?

We’re outside first thing because we have animals to tend to and feed. It’s an efficient dance of filling dog bowls, checking water levels, tending to poultry, and hushing up the mewing kitty. Rabbits and goats need hay and ducks need letting out once we collect their eggs. It’s all a good excuse to get that intoxicating morning sunshine, but sometimes in the winter it’s blustery and 19 degrees outside.
I love the look of the morning sun filtering through the trees and cloud cover. These are shoots of lilies promising to come this summer. You don’t see all the weeding that needs to be done, do you?

I can only imagine how beautiful this tree will be when it is more than three straggly large branches coming out of the ground. Maybe we’ll get one peach this year. If the dogs don’t get it first.

Well, good morning, Splat! She wants her grain and she wants a relieved udder! She’s all business this morning, knowing exactly where to go and what to do. Her nose hair is rubbed off from the feeder grates. It annoys me. I plan to smooth them out this summer so hopefully it won’t rub the hair off anymore.

Portabello is our wether. He’s not yet two, and he still acts like a baby. He is so very friendly, and loves having his back rubbed. In the next month (Lord willing!), they’ll have three new friends joining them!

The dogs are fed and happy and it is always fun to watch them play around with each other. They are working dogs, guarding our children and animals, and are especially busy in the night hours, chasing off whatever varmits want to come tour our property for supper pickings. Our lab is very mellow, but definitely the alpha/master teacher, and our maremma is still a puppy in training.

Back to the house and lookie what we’ve got! Fresh milk right out of the front yard. I still can’t believe how cool that is.

Oh, here are some more pictures from outside before I go in. This is a small magnolia tree that I thought I killed when I moved it. Last fall I ruthlessly hacked off all of the obviously dead limbs and this spring I am delighted to see blooms!

These are lenten roses, blooming and bringing color in late winter. I like how they are spreading and would love to add more this fall.

Time to go inside! This sign greets me in the laundry room right from the mud room. It’s a good reminder. Sometimes I need it hourly.

And while we’re in this room on our way in, don’t these bottles look so pretty on the windowsill? A friend of mine gave me her collection when she moved, and I have several windowsills with them. I think they’re beautiful, and I love the Lord for decorating my house for me, too!
How are the kiddos doing? Well, the olders are finishing up the animal chores outside, and here is my 7 year old already dressed and making her bed. Don’t be too impressed because I guarantee I’ll have to remind her to pick up her jammies off the floor, brush her teeth, take care of her hair…

And here I am. No, I’m not dressed and ready for the day yet but I did read my Bible and brush my teeth (does that count?). Dressing’s not going to happen until after I workout, while the kids are eating breakfast. If I dress first, forget it, working out will not happen at all.

And this angel I get to greet in the morning, too. *sigh* Sometimes mommyhood is just so tender and sweet it hurts, you know?

That’s all for this morning! It’s sure a blessing to open my front door in the beginning of the day and see such a beautiful sight. I bet your own camera would show you some of yours, too.

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