I can’t sleep. This has been on my mind for a while now and I felt compelled to respond to the horrific events that have come about from the needless death of not one, but two, children. I feel just sick. Here is the letter I wrote and sent tonight via email. I thought it proper for me to write to you, also….
Good evening, friends,
I have been in real angst over the death of a child recently from a parent who claimed to follow the To Train Up a Child book. This book was a real help to me in helping me learn to parent my children and because of that, I have bought multiple copies and I believe I gave one to you. This review was the most humble and gracious one I have read regarding the incident(s) and put into words my current thinking about this book, and that is why I am forwarding it to you for your consideration. http://www.tina.thejobes.com/2010/03/to-train-up-a-child-book-review/
PLEASE know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be 100% consistent in just about anything, especially child training. We’re just mommies trying to find our way in parenting children that change from one year to the next (or one minute to the next) and the most important thing we can do during that is to LISTEN TO THE LORD and to READ OUR BIBLES. There *is* NO perfect method/book/author/way to raise up children that is fail-proof. We all need the tender mercies of the Lord to direct our paths each and every single day. Mommying ought to be and I believe CAN be a joy-filled endeavor, but trials ARE going to be a part of the journey and there WILL be tears to go along with it at times (or is that just me?;)
Friend, just know I love you and know you are doing the best that you can. Please don’t ever hold up any standard higher than what Jesus reveals to you through His Word. He WILL guide you and teach you and love you and…yes, discipline you. We all need that. Stay in the Word, stay in prayer, stay in fellowship with the saints. Repent where needed and forgive 70 times 7. Know that God Himself gave you your children not just for their own good, but for yours as well.
I do pray for these precious families, including the Pearls. What a heartbreak, all around.
With love

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