Would you like to see the craft room I hung around in today instead of shopping? One of the reasons it looks so neat is that my sewing area just got finished today (no mess to clean up yet!). So, come on in!
I don’t take lightly the blessing of having my own room to create and leave a mess in, knowing that I can leave stuff out for as long as I need to. I remember making due when all I had was our kitchen table; and if that’s all you’ve got, you can still create! In fact, just having a small shared table forces the “get organized” goal to come into fruition, so it’s not altogether a bad thing.
Having my own room is not a bad thing, either. When we moved bedrooms around, the “guest room” (that we only partially used every year) went away, and suddenly I got to have my own room (that I use every day!). Here is a short tour of my little room:
My husband found this old table in our attic. I have no idea where it came from, but it ends up being the perfect size for sewing. This will be the first time I can lay out fabric and cut it off of the floor! My chair was hand-caned by my husband’s grandmother.
Around my craft room, I have objects that I love and inspire me. All of these jars hold wooden spools of thread (from the same grandmother). Wooden spools are so sweet; I like them so much better than our current obsession with everything plastic.
Speaking of vintage (were we?), here’s my latest addition: a featherweight Singer that a friend of mine sold to me, in near perfect condition. I find even the sound of it so satisfying, and it sews like a dream. As another friend once said, “there’s nothing like metal parts.” I agree!
On a second wall, I have a farm house table I recently found in an antique store, along with a cool metal red cart. This is where I like to draw, paint, stamp, or otherwise work with paper crafts. Currently I am working on repairing and updating our Advent calendar. On my corkboard are mostly clips I’ve cut from magazines that I love to look at: quotes, artwork, flowers, etc. And a picture of Tasha Tudor, too, just one of many artists that inspire me.
I like to keep my colored pencils out, again just because they’re pretty. I like to keep the eye candy nearby.
On the third wall is my girlhood desk. I wrote many, many letters and poems and did tons of homework on it growing up. I have another corkboard with photos of loved ones and also business cards and websites of artists, writers, and online shops I appreciate. In my bookcase are craft books and patterns and such, and on the top are (once again) things I love to look at: paintings and artwork I love, and even a Paddington Bear I made when I was nine. He reminds me to be nice to the little girl I still have inside of me (despite the wrinkles). The bit of rug you see was hand-done by that very same grandmother. I really appreciate the love and time women put into things like this (and still do!); it is like they are giving of themselves, which is a precious gift no one could ever buy.
I like to work on the computer here, and our copier is here too, on a little bench I picked up from somewhere. This desk is my “Pooh corner”, my “thinking spot”. And if you’re a snail mail pen pal of mine, that bottom lefthand drawer is full of notecards and stationery I use for you!
In keeping with things I love, here is a basket (love baskets) of seashells (love the ocean….rivers and lakes too!) against my window showing our woods (love love love the cedar/pine smells too!).
So where is all my other stuff? In the closet! Here you’ll find all of my stamping supplies, papers, calligraphy inks, fabric, wool felts, ribbons, acrylics, etc, etc, and etc. I can take out what I want to use, and when it’s all finished, put it back and close the door. I just work better having a more open space, but I love and appreciate craft rooms that have beautiful wire shelves of supplies out in the open, too.
Things I still want to do in my room: put up some felt on the wall so my quilt squares can get off the floor while I’m working, add a light table (and more lighting for that matter), and I’m definitely going to buy a strand or two of mini-Christmas lights to drape around and keep up all year, because it’s just one of those things I love. Lastly, I have artwork my children have done, and plan to pin them up on a clothesline along a wall in a rotating manner. In all honesty, they inspire me, too.
I was going to put in a chair for handsewing or knitting in, but I find that when I am doing that I’d much rather be in the living room with everyone else, or watching a movie with my husband at the same time. One of my friends has a TV in her room to watch movies while she works! I think the point of creating a space is to really make it *yours*, whether you get a whole room or just a small corner.
That’s it! On your way out, you can move over the old iron doorstop and let the door close. I’m going to play either some music or hear a sermon and get to work on my homemade gifts. Thanks for visiting!

That is a very nice, airy, bright, and beautiful craft room. I LOVE it! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too! :]
Your craft room is lovely.Off topic but had to comment or contact or something…I was listening to your 11/12 podcast and herd your guest congratulate you on your new blessing. Has it been that long since I read your blog??? Homeschooling and homekeeping have been more than a day can handle lately. ;)I pray blessings over you and you little one!!!! I also read a little while I was catching up and discovered you had a miscarriage. Oh, Keri Mae, I know you are reveling in the joy of your new life but I wanted to say that I was so touched by your posts about what you went through. I too suffered a miscarriage. I was heading in for my routine 14 week check- little ones in tow to find no heartbeat. Midwife made me get d&e.; Surgeon said my little one had been gone a couple of weeks. Why my body held on, I do not know… I felt so much like you said you felt. Not ready, too old (almost 40)… But the hospital gave us little one to take home and bury. We built a garden just for baby. I grieved and felt like I was living a nightmare… This was last May 27th. Just a couple of weeks ago, I found out we were expecting again and only knew one week before the awful blood came… I am still trusting the Lord. He is advancing His kingdom through me! I will continue to trust Him in this area of life and am humbly asking His blessing on yet another life. He is good and to be able to trust in Him even in hard things is what keeps me going. That and a wonderful husband and three little blessings. :)I just had to let you know that your experience and all that you shared was so healing and comforting to me. And to know that you trusted God with your womb and heart again is such a blessing. And now He has blessed again! I will pray for you. God bless you Keri Mae. With love, Rebecca in Kansas.
Love your room, Keri Mae! Thanks for the tour. :)I've been wanting to do some organizing with my supplies (beads, yarn, etc.) too, and now I'm feeling inspired to tackle it. Thanks!
Thank you Traci and Diva :)Rebecca, I am on my way to try to find a midwife for this birth and your comment was so touching and just exactly the water I needed this morning. I grieve with you and rejoice in the goodness of God, too, with you. I send my warmest ((hug)) to you today.I love my readers; you are all so very kind.Blessings,Keri Mae
Thank you for the hug. I felt it. God reaches out to us through others. He is so good!Love,Rebecca
Your craft room IS beautiful! And I really appreciate the ideas in the later post….will hopefully get to give some of those a try! I just found your blog…caught my attention because we not only share the same name, but the same spelling…live in the same neck of the woods, and have similar interests…..(the Lord and family!) Thanks for the great ideas!