As I learned more about what I was eating and what I ought to eat, I began to question what I was putting onto my skin, and what my skin was eating. Turning over the beautiful pink boxes to read the list of nonsensical jumble of letters that made up some sort of chemical concoction certainly gave me pause. I was also extremely concerned about the over-the-top expectations that our culture had about youthfulness and what constituted beauty. I’m sure a lot of you have seen this portrayal of going from reality to “the standard”.
I’ve been comfortable in my own skin for a long time. Thankfully, I have a husband who is comfortable with how I look as well! The basic things I do are to keep my face clean (morning and night), and to give my skin moisture. Currently I like the pomega facial cleanser I am using; I got it for myself for Christmas and I’m only halfway through the bar. Every few days I will use an exfolia cloth to gently scrub off the dead skin cells.
In the morning I use a light amount of straight almond oil for moisture. At night, if my skin is feeling really dry, I’ll use coconut oil. What I’ve really been liking lately is the “Perfect Cream” I made from a recipe by Rosemary Gladstar (who, by the way, has *interesting* beliefs, but great recipes). I used the azulene oil that was leftover from my wax strips and my cream not turned a lovely blue, but my face loved the calming effect of the chamomile. Some mornings, I will use witch hazel for an astringent before moisturizing.
For makeup, I use products that I feel good about my skin being exposed to. I’ve been using Logona products for about a decade now. I know I ought to wear a sunscreen….just add that to the list of I oughts 🙂
I will tell you that no product on the planet can make you more beautiful than your smile. And nothing will age your face faster than a sour countenance. Use whatever products you like and are comfortable with, but if you want true beauty, learn to live out the joy of the Lord.
Blessings, from an almost 40 year old

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