That’s what my husband calls it, anyway, this full throttle attempt at designing and uploading a brand new website before the end of the month (no pressure, just one more week to go aaahhhhh!). I haven’t done this since I started blogging in 2006, when I taught myself a lot of html coding from dissecting other people’s blogsites and their coding into the wee hours of the night. Now it is a whole lot easier of course, with blogging platforms very user friendly. It’s mostly just a matter of pointing and clicking and dragging elements most of the time, unless of course you want extra crazy picky things like me and have to figure out not only more html, but css and how to maneuver in (for the fourth time) a whole new platform. And yeah, all that takes place late into the night when the other babies are sleeping (yawn).
All that to say, I think you’ll love the new site when it is up; it will be much more user friendly (well, for me at least ha). If there’s anything else you wish I had on this site, now’s the time to speak up!
Meanwhile, I’m just getting slower and swollen-er, with four more weeks(ish) to go. I miss my 5K running body. And why oh why do I need the extra weight in my thighs, my arms, my face?! All of the kiddos are excited and I’m wrapping up getting things like diapers and onesies organized. Most times I feel like a bum, just directing things that need to be done rather than getting involved with the work. And my standards have taken a dive so if you come visit, please plan on stepping over and looking around stuff! The crazy “clean the house with bleach” nesting bit hasn’t hit yet.
I did manage to finish my queen sized quilt top and love it! I can’t wait to share it with you, but I think I’ll wait until I get it back from the professional machine quilter to do that. I made the quilt with Fig Tree’s Strawberry Fields fabric. It’s going to look lovely on our new (to us) bed. I bought a set of iron bed frames from Goodwill (doncha love that place?) for about $40 and after some paint it’s going to look great (she says hopefully).
Today we managed to get the barn cleaned up and put up fencing around the front garden to contain the hens in for a month, before they start tractoring around in their moveable coop again. They’ll stay contained all spring and summer to keep out of my kitchen garden and allow us to mulch and care for the other beds around the house. It’s going to be nice not having hens laying eggs in the garage, or pooping on the porch, or digging up my seedlings.
The sun was just so nice today. Spring has sprung!

I love the nesting phase! And you are too cute!!! Don't worry about baby weight. You know it comes off. Nursing is such a gift for both mama and baby. I too am a petite person outside of pregnancy. Normally weigh about 115 at 5' 3" tall. Well… I am only twelve weeks along and weigh 125!!! Already!!! Yes, it can be that way for some of us ladies. I get it all over too. Arms, face, thighs… Oh well. It is so very worth it. For what it is worth, you are just darling. I love, LOVE that sweet pic of your children's hands on the baby. They must be getting so excited. Enjoy nesting and letting your helpers do some of the work for you. It is most definitely time for that. 🙂