The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. Ps 145:9
This afternoon I nursed my 13 month old baby on the bentwood rocker I bought for $20 about a dozen years ago. A feather pillow at my back, a pile of reading material vying for my attention nearby, and my feet on a slanted stool. Nice. I want to say, “quiet”, but there were five other children busy about the house. Cleaning up lunch messes. Tromping around upstairs. Laughter with fits of indignation here and there. Busy.
Still, I did hear the baby tree swallows outside my open bedroom window. Earlier this summer a pair of acrobatic mates decided that my roof ledge made a beautiful home for their nest. And so they made it so. Beautiful, I mean, with their nest. The eggs hatched yesterday, and you just can’t buy plastic music as lovely as what God created to occur naturally.
God’s favor on the wee feathered friends is lesson enough for the humble homemaker, because to create a nest, to grow a family, to provide food and give shelter close to a mother’s bosom all throughout the day; these are the simple comforts that defy worldly baubles of selfishness, injustice, unkindness, uncertainty and fear. Finding a little nook in the world to tend to little ones is a gift for which we must be most grateful. Today, I was thankful for the tweet reminder, and let my baby nurse herself to a blessed breathy sleep as I rocked in rhythm.

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