I dislike commercials, so I get it if you don’t want to read one. However, other than my Amazon affiliate (read here), I don’t accept advertising on this website. I’m not against it, per se; I just prefer not to use them. I prefer less screen time, actually 🙂
But, I love good food, and you may know that already. I seek out the best for my family, and the right food is a high priority both for health and flavor. In addition to teaching about foods in my community, you also may know I manage a large and busy family. I am pretty picky about food, and I am a very busy mama.
Here comes the commercial 🙂
I originally discovered freeze-dried food many, many years ago on my quest for prepare for natural disasters. Stores will likely run out within days, and it will take time for any governmental agencies to help.
So I stocked up.
Then, I used some of it to create “ready made meals” for my kids to use. Easy freeze-dried soups, pastas, and stews were ready and waiting for them to open, add water, and enjoy. Which they did. You can see my blog post on it HERE.
Freeze-dried has come a long way since then and even “then” it was good.
Now we use freeze-dried foods on a regular basis. Why?
- It’s inexpensive, saving money on food that ends up in the trash. Do you ever throw out food?
- It’s delicious! Promptly freeze-dried, it retains even its color and crunch (yum, apples in the morning oatmeal).
- It’s fast and easy. Need chopped celery or chopped onions? Just open the can and sprinkle them into your sauces.
- It’s nutritious. It’s ridiculously easy to up the nutrition when you can simply add a bit of a multitude of fruits and vegetables into a meal within minutes. No chopping needed!
- It lasts and lasts. Unopened cans of freeze-dried foods will last decades. That means feeling good about food disaster preparation.
You can check it out HERE. And, of course if you place an order of any size, our family receives the benefit of more food for our pantry (yum).
I am super excited to introduce you to Thrive Life and up the game for your family’s food, time, and budget. Goodbye waste, hello ease. Whether you need stocking up for your disaster preparation or simply want faster meal preparations (or both!), I can help you.
Thanks for letting me put a commercial here. Please don’t consider this advertising per se, but something I’ve vetted out and am eager to share. If this party has passed by the time you read this, I can still help you. Simply contact me and I’ll be happy to answer your questions.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog and podcast 🙂

I’m confused, is the party related to freeze drying? It looks like it’s for pre-prepped food? I’d love to know more about freeze-drying though, please let me know if I’m missing a portion on the web link. Thanks!
Hey there! Yes, this is about adding freeze dried foods to your pantry and menu, as you wish. At the top of the website is a button underneath the date “Shop delivery service”. You can scroll down past the pre-prepped meals to the “groceries”, which are ingredients. We love using foods such as chopped onions, carrots, and celery. We just tried the apples in our oatmeal and they were great! We couldn’t even tell they began as freeze-dried! We’re super happy with Thrive.
Thank you!! Just listening to your most recent podcast. Loved it. I don’t know what it was but I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh as much I did this last time Keri. It’s great! I don’t know if you felt different this time around or if you just happened to laugh more but it was nice to hear the joy. 🙂
KeriMae, sorry. I never realized that was your actual first name. Didn’t mean to shorten it on you.
Oh thank you! I feel like I laugh too much so it’s sweet of you to tell me otherwise 🙂 And Keri is my first name–I just shove my middle along with it and like it, but I answer to both (along with “mom”, “hey you” etc haha)