I just finished a linen bed cover topped with handstitched woolen flowers and vines. I love the look of it and the weight of it too. It’s backed with smooth cotton. I decided not to quilt it because I liked the motion already there on the piece and didn’t want to detract from it. It feels good to finish this project; I’ve been needing the encouragement of the “here-a-little, there-a-little” adding up to, yes, a completed vision. It makes me feel like other things will also come to pass. I like also that it’s not so obvious in color; you have to really look to see its beauty. Some folks never look for the beauty beyond what seems plain to them.
I really enjoyed handstitching this. I love growing and using herbs and flowers, so this project fit in perfectly with the other parts of me. I signed up for an art drawing class coming up, on botanical subjects of course. I dream of drawing my own pictures and translating them into stitchery, or mixed media art of somesort. I also joined a county writer’s group. I want to cultivate the things I like to do more.
The year on this is important. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and reintroducing myself to me while shaking up everything in my house and redoing and decluttering it all. As it turns out, I’ve discovered I can suffer loss and survive, feel betrayal and still hope, and continue to love mercy and walk with my God through it all. My life is ridiculously short. To have peace with God is to have life, and to have life….well…then I can offer that to others around me, too! I’m coming full circle: it’s all about the Lord, and He is worthy of it all.
If you like this pattern and/or similar projects, I got this one from here:
Outside this year, much of the garden lay undone and unseeded. What was seeded went ignored and unweeded and then, as it does, seeded itself before I could pull it out. The poultry got into everything, including my front “fenced” garden, and the blackberries and scotchbroom took advantage of the whole thing and crept over rock walls and raised beds. I sighed a lot looking out at it all. But I did get some grace here and there, too. Like blackberry pie. And hollyhocks. God’s little kisses when the weeds threatened my eyesight.
Inside, I let my Russian sourdough starter lapse and die. I almost lost my kombucha starter. My household ran out of soap, and I had to buy some from the store. I realize these aren’t tragic things, but they were out of the norm for me. Slowly, however, a few friends coaxed me back into the land of the living. They let me just weird out on them for a while. A couple of days ago, I made an oat-coconut-pecan pie. It was like a warm welcome from the oven, its scent reminding me that sweet things still matter.
God is faithful, and He is still good, all the time. He walks us through the times that seem (or are) dry and provides plenty of His little angels to minister along the way. I am thankful for it all. Joy is real.
Blessings on your road, wherever you are,

Beautiful bed cover!I was wondering how you got your Amazon link on this post since Blogger has shut down that capability. Did you do it manually? If so, would you mind sharing how?Blessings,Candace
Thank you, Candace :)Actually, I'm completely unaware of Blogger shutting anything of the sort down. I just got the link from Amazon the "regular" way and popped it in. If you happen to have a link regarding the Blogger/Amazon connection, I'd appreciate your sending it on.Thank you for visiting my blog.Blessings to you, too!Keri Mae
The blanket is so pretty! Sometimes is does just feel good to finish a project to feel like you are moving somewhere. Motherhood is challenging on many levels, one of the most is that it is really easy to feel like your not really doing anything, when in fact we're doing a million and one things. Unlike school where you move forward and pass tests and classes, jobs where you put in your time and maybe get promotions, motherhood's rewards are more invisible, but completely priceless.It is so easy for me too to get discouraged when the household starts to get out of order (aka the way I like it). But stay encouraged, your kids probably don't even see any disorder, and will remember you and your time with them more than anything else about their childhood. I am glad you're still finding joy all the time.I feel blessed to find women like you online committed to their family. Sometimes in "real life" they seem quite rare.
Anna, your words are a sweet balm to my heart. Thank you for taking the time to send them.Blessings,Keri Mae