It is instructive to watch the response of our media, government, and population to this pandemic and to take note. Actually, to take many notes. But that note taking needs to be done calmly and rationally, and I hope that what I share here will help in some way.
As a herbalist I use food and plants for our nourishment and medicine, and as a member and chapter leader of the Weston A Price Foundation, I prepare food traditionally and mostly from scratch, using and benefiting from the Foundation’s wise and proven principles. I’m aware of the importance for disaster preparation, and although I am not as prepared as I wish we were (will we ever be?), I keep a good stock of first aid supplies and freeze dried foods, mostly made by Thrive Life (you also can order through my account or even become your own boss using my ID number 32981).
When you have your food and medicine and supplies at hand, trials feel a little less bumpy. If you are starting from scratch, read my last blog post and begin today to address each area in which you are lacking. You are not powerless; you know how to read and you can start.
But I do understand inertia, and it is very, very real. After we downsized from our big house and farmette with its established gardens and livestock areas, it was almost impossible to start any semblance of a garden anywhere else. I tried, planting a little here and there, but once I got my game back on after a postpartum period, we ended up having to move again. So, three houses in five years doesn’t help me to feel real motivated to get digging into the soil.
But here we are. Motivated or not, reality says a garden–any garden of any size–is better than no garden. I have knowledge and experience, and (some) seeds. I decided what made the most sense to grow, and yes that included cut flowers. I especially considered medicinal plants and other foods that I couldn’t necessarily buy from the grocery store, but would add variety to our diet and thrive in our growing zone. So I brushed off the two trays I still had and got started. And then, we headed outside.
The old orchard is a mess. I have zero idea when the fruit trees were last pruned, and there are suckers and shoots everywhere, not to mention a massive invasion of blackberry vines (but, yay, blackberries!). There is no real large area for a massive garden in the traditional sense, but with a little bit of thinking, I can see potential.
Here is an area that is mostly cleaned up. Do you see what I see? A well pruned cherry tree, and terraces. Good morning light that I know will extend into afternoon. An empty bucket begging for something to climb up the gateway. Potential. So even though I’m not spending my 50th birthday doing what I originally planned (sniff), I can do what I can do. And I can do this.
What can you do? Surely there is something, and you probably know what it is (am I right?).
In other news, here are some resources that you may find helpful in navigating how to prevent and address any virus at all. I feel blessed we can have access to books and the internet to help us learn and apply what we are learning. Stay home, stay cozy, and stay safe, friends.
From Sally Fallon Morell, How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus
The Banerji homeopathic protocol
These are well respected doctors who have been treating generations of patients with homeopathy and currently see around 6,000 patients a week in their clinic. This is their protocol for prevention. For treatment, symptoms would guide further remedy choices. You can also check out Joette’s blog and use the search bar for many symptoms and protocols to help you wisely choose remedies.
Rosalee de la Floret, Herbs to Consider for Coronavirus
Also check out her Herbal Recipes for Preventing and Addressing Upper Respiratory Infections (free if you are on her email list)
7Song is a botanist, herbalist, and runs a free clinic in New York. Here are his notes on the COVID-19 Virus. (scroll down to “specific health issues)
Stephen Buhner is a well respected herbalist and author of books such as Herbal Antivirals. This is his take on the coronavirus.
Another herbalist, Michael Cottingham of Voyage Botanica was contacted weeks ago from the cruise ship that was quarantined in Japan. Apparently he gave them this formula and they were able to make it for 3000 people on that ship. All of these herbs are easily available at any grocery store (unlike, say, Buhner’s recipes which may be more difficult to find and to create easily and quickly). Herbalist Bonnie Kuhlman shared Michael’s recipe with permission, and I have permission to post it here for your use as well. I find most herbalists (and fiber artists!) to be most generous with their recipes.
BASIL LEAF (Ocimum basilicum) 1 teaspoon
OREGANO LEAF (Origanum vulgare) 1 teaspoon
THYME LEAF (Thymus vulgaris) 1/2 teaspoon
ROSEMARY LEAF (Rosmarinus off..) 1/2 teaspoon
GINGER ROOT – Ground (Zingiber off.) 1/4 teaspoon
TURMERIC ROOT – Ground (Curcuma longa) 1/4 teaspoon
CINNAMON BARK – Ground (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) 1/4 teaspoon
This is the amount to make 1 qt. You may also add a little sage. Use either fresh or dried ginger and stick cinnamon.
Measure and place herbs in a teapot or other container.
Bring one quart of boiled or distilled water just to a boil.
Pour over herbs. Cover to steep. Keep warm while steeping.
This solution should steep for at least 1/2 hour. 1 hour is better.
Keep clear solution available at room temperature for immediate consumption.
For make-ahead amounts, refrigerate covered after straining.
Rewarm gently for use as needed.
The average adult when sick with a cold or respiratory infection could drink as much as 2 quarts a day. Usually, a quart a day for adults is probably enough.
One can drink a cup or two (adults) a day to stimulate the immune system when a cold is going around.
Children between 5 and 15, could use up to a quart a day if sick, but probably more like a 1/2 of a quart should be enough. Children under 5, maybe just a couple of teaspoons of the tea, several times a day.
This tea is warming, it increases diaphoretic action (sweating) if you drink a lot of it. Increases diuretic action (more urination). Increases respiratory function so you get less congestion. This tea blend is relaxing, so you get deeper and more restful sleeps. It is very anti-inflammatory and reducing inflammation is always helpful when you have a cold or infection. The tea increases circulation which is extremely helpful in congestion and infectious states. This tea blend is extremely anti-viral and antibacterial.
BASIL – Basil has been used as a spice and medicine for centuries.. It has traditionally been used by herbalists to treat nausea, gas pains, dysentery. Research shows that it inhibits organisms that cause dysentery. It is anti-viral and antibacterial. Has been used to treat lung infections and to help clean up mucous membrane congestion. Basil is also considered to be an effective immune stimulating herb and has been used to assist the bodies immune system in fighting various types of viral and bacterial infections.
OREGANO – There are many different types of Oregano, but medicinally they are mostly the same. Oregano leaf is heating, spicy, and moving. It increases circulation and if you use enough of it, it will make you sweat (diaphoretic). It will also increase urination, which is extremely helpful when fighting an infection. This movement helps the body get rid of the cellular waste from an infection. A key to getting better when you have an infection in the lungs or mucous membranes is to create movement. Oregano really does that. Because Oregano contains a constituent called Thymol it makes it one of the premier plant medicines for fighting serious bacterial and viral infections.
Many of the plants in this tea blend contain Thymol – Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary and sometimes Basil – here is a short wikipedia description on this powerful constituent:
“Thymol has been used in alcohol solutions and in dusting powders for the treatment of tinea or ringworm infections, and was used in the United States to treat hookworm infections. People of the Middle East continue to use za’atar, a delicacy made with large amounts of thyme, to reduce and eliminate internal parasites. It is also used as a preservative in halothane, an anaesthetic, and as an antiseptic in mouthwash. When used to reduce plaque and gingivitis, thymol has been found to be more effective when used in combination with chlorhexidine than when used purely by itself. Thymol is also the active antiseptic ingredient in some toothpastes, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Euthymol. Thymol has been used to successfully control varroa mites and prevent fermentation and the growth of mold in bee colonies, methods developed by beekeeper R. O. B. Manley.[Thymol is also used as a rapidly degrading, non-persisting pesticide.Thymol can also be used as a medical disinfectant and general purpose disinfectant.”
If I were to give a ranking to Oregano in my personal materia medica of the plants I use and consider vitally important – I would rank Oregano in the top 10. It’s antibacterial and anti-viral potential could be life saving.
THYME – Thyme contains a lot of Thymol making it a very powerful antibacterial and anti-viral plant medicine. Both major components of the volatile oil – thymol and carvacrol have been highly researched and are shown to be antibacterial and anti fungal. Thyme in large amounts has been used to expel worms, especially hookworms and ascarids. As a gargle or mouthwash Thyme is an excellent remedy for sore throats and infected gums. A hot tea of just Thyme is sweat-inducing making it effective against the common cold. Its volatile oils are excreted through the lungs making it excellent to use in bronchitis, whooping cough and pneumonia. Thyme is an excellent expectorant causing the coughing up of thick infectious mucus. An ointment made from Thyme has been used to treat shingles (Herpes zoster). * Large amounts of Thyme should be avoided during pregnancy. While a common kitchen spice and a small pinch is used to flavor foods … larger amounts become a very serious medicine.
ROSEMARY – Another plant medicine that can contain small amounts of thymol, but also contains thujone, camphors, and other strong constituents. Rosemary is an excellent remedy for headaches and is considered to be an herbal nervine. It is a relaxing and vasodialating plant medicine. Good for lowering stress and calming down. It is antibacterial and antifungal. Topically the oil has been used to treat ringworm. The herb reduces flatulence and is stimulating to the digestion, liver and gall bladder increasing the flow of bile. It has been used to treat painful periods. Rosemary also improves the circulation and helps to strengthen fragile blood vessels due to its flavonoid diosmin. I consider Rosemary another one of my top 10 most used plant medicines. Having used it with thousands of people in hundreds of different ways. There is 2000+ years of historical uses for this great medicine plant. Much has been written about Rosemary!
GINGER – Ginger has been used as a plant medicine for many thousands of years by many different cultures. The roots of Ginger have long been prescribed for colds, coughs, flu, and promoting better digestion. It is one of the finest herbs for improving circulation. It is anti-viral and is an excellent respiratory plant medicine helping to expectorate stuck infectious mucus from the lungs. In this tea blend formula Ginger Root helps to move all the other herbs through the body more effectively. It helps to move waste from an infection by stimulating sweating and urination.
TURMERIC – This is probably one of the most researched of plant medicines with over 800 scientific papers to date. It is a premier anti-inflammatory. An action you want in most formulas. When you can reduce inflammation during an infectious condition your chances of recovery are greatly enhanced. Some research shows that Turmeric Root inhibits bacteria and fungal growth in the body. It has been used to help better digestion, especially with poor digestion of fats. This can make the blood less thick, which means less polluted blood, especially during infectious conditions. It is known to stimulate better lymphatic drainage which also aids the immune system. One could literally spend days and days reading about the amazing medicinal history of Turmeric.
CINNAMON – Cinnamon has been used to warm the body, treat cold conditions and colds, to warm digestion and to ease flatulence.. Used to ease menstrual cramps and is antispasmodic to hectic lung coughing fits, easing the bronchi spasms. Cinnamon is extremely antibacterial inhibiting E.coli, Staphyloccus aureus, and thrush (Candida albicans). Used for thousands of years as a medicine plant, with a rich history of written uses and applications.
Keep in mind, that there are hundreds of books and thousands of internet pages that describe in great detail the plant medicine/spices in this tea blend. All of them have a rich history of use and all have been used for thousands of years. Even though most people know them just as spices to be used in cooking various dishes, in reality they are some of the most researched and important herbal medicines in the world.
This is a tasty tea that actually works to fight viral and bacterial infections, improve overall circulation, which helps to keep the lungs free of congestion and stimulates the immune system in time of need. This makes it useful in everything from the common cold, to a viral pandemic where there is no help to be found. If there ever was a time when higher medical care was not available or higher medical care was not able to help do to an overwhelming break down of the medical system, than this tea might just be enough to help you make it through such a terrible time.
Many of the spices or plant medicines in this tea blend have already been used in both bacterial plagues and viral pandemics. History is filled with their successful stories. It is ironic that so many people lay in bed suffering from a cold or a more severe viral infection, meanwhile in their kitchen, in those tiny spice jars are the historic answers to their suffering. A pinch of knowledge might just save your life!

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