Aren’t we all?
I dislike being so busy. You know, I haven’t worn a watch in at least 15 years, so maybe it’s time to chuck the calendar as well because I can’t seem to just have a week with nothing on it. Oh, it’s not full of bad things at all, and much of it at least seems necessary. It’s just that it is…well…FULL. One recent day I was ill enough to stay home from church service and I spent the entire day doing pretty much nothing but (a) lying in the grass in the glorious sunshine and (b) reading a book from cover to cover while watching honeybees in the clover. Thank God for sick days. I need to plan more “NOTHING” days, maybe mark some up in roaring red across a date or two at least. Otherwise, I’ll just have a need (or want) pop up, take a looksee on the calendar with pen in hand and mumble something like, “Ok, there’s nothing on that day…”
Is there really anything wrong with Nothing being the course of a day?
This evening could have been full of nothing but I sat down at the computer to work on my Journal project (coming along, thank you for wondering), and instead decided to sigh about being too busy. I bring it on myself, I know. I do hope you’re finding time for the doing-nothing parts of your day and week, and that illness won’t be the only entry into it.
Oh, and by the way…a friend of mine did up this little video of my place. I haven’t used a video camera for a long time and am developing an allergy to learning anything techie-new these days (is that part of aging?), so it was really sweet of her to do this for me. Enjoy the look around!