I had a lapse in good judgment today. Or, perhaps more honestly, I ignored my better judgment and talked myself into “it’s not that big a deal; we’ll be quick.” So, off we went, I and my five year old little girl on a date that included shopping for party supplies for a baby shower. At a party store. During Halloween month.
Right into the door her eyes widened at the bigger than life black gorilla, and I am not kidding when I say that the entire store was taken over by skulls, webs, spiders, bloody faces and the like.
“I don’t like it, Momma.”
“I know, sweetie. It’s all yucky. Let’s get our stuff and go.”
Can I just say how NOT pleasant it was looking for sweet baby decorations while the creep-out music was playing? We got a few things and decided to leave without dawdling. Of course, the checkers were dressed up too, and slow as slow can be to boot.
A couple stood behind us with their young girl as well. We made smiley with one another, the kind that acknowledges the similarity in raising girls of the same age. The “music” overhead brought on even more groans and doors creaking and whatnot and the wee one behind us looked just as frightened as my little girl.
The mom wasn’t so comforting. “Wassthemadder with you?”
I wanted to tell her, really. The Matter was that everything in there WAS creepy, WAS about frightening people, WAS about glorifying death and making light of evil and the one responsible for it all. These little girls in their innocence had it pegged, but everything and everyone around was trying to make light of it. It’s no big deal, it’s just fun, lighten up.
I decided otherwise, put down our goods, and we left. And I apologized to my daughter for taking her into that place. And I apologized to God for exposing His precious little girl to it. We weren’t there for longer than ten minutes, but I can tell you it wasn’t worth even one of them.

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