Well, it’s no surprise to anyone, least of all to me, that I am past my due date to have Baby. When I started blogging in 2006, it was while I was awaiting another baby, past his due date as well. I ended up waiting for him 18 days. I hope not to have a repeat ๐
Once I got the house in a somewhat manageable state (“somewhat”) I turned my efforts to completing my Master Herbalist certificate. And after a lot of seemingly nonstop reading, exams, essays, book reports and protocols with both real and pretend people, I finally finished. Finally. It *only* took me about four years. Vintage Remedies is an excellent distance school for many areas in Natural Health, and now they’ve opened the Franklin Institute of Wellness for further professional development at a collegiate level (where my Clinical Master Herbalist program moved to).
And now that I’m finished with that, I’m a bit disoriented. Too many years of assignments and homework and now no one to tell me what’s next!
I guess having baby number 8 is next.
That, and, while I’m waiting, ย catching up with other hobbies and projects I enjoy. I’ve missed a lot of pages lately in my art journal, so I’m going back and trying out new techniques and a variety of art supplies.
I’m picking up my handwork, too. I have lots of unfinished projects, so I’m just choosing one at a time and seeing if I can’t finish off a lot of them before starting anything new. That will take restraint! This one is a hand pieced quilt block.
I’m still listening to online lectures from various places while I work, however. I guess I’m hopeless that way; I love to learn.
Meanwhile, we had kittens in the garage. I’ve never dealt with kittens before, but I guess I didn’t think it would be any more difficult than baby rabbits, baby chickens, baby goats…
They *are* awfully cute. I still need to find homes for two of them. Takers?
Little by little, things are getting finished around here. Here is the baby blanket I wove. I find it *meh, ok*. I like the nubby cotton, but to me it ended up looking too much like a towel. Plus, it’s fairly lightweight, not the best for winter coming on. Maybe it WILL be a towel ๐ In any case, I’m looking forward to wrapping up baby in it. C’mon out, Baby!
Do you find it hard to wait? Waiting isn’t wasted time, however. One book I am really, really enjoying is An Unhurried Life. That’s *exactly* what my goal in life is, to follow Jesus’ rhythms of work and rest, and to not feel like I’m accomplishing *nothing* or just being *lazy* when I meander or dawdle or do something *unproductive*. I so dislike the crazy busy hurry of our culture; I feel like we’ve lost SO much in it.
Besides, does it really matter if we finish things in our own timeframe? Do we really need to see the results of everything we endeavor to do? What if the results come later, after we’re gone? What if this patch ends up in my great-granddaughter’s artwork of fabric and thread somehow? Was it a waste then to just complete one?
So that is where I am right now. Just waiting. Waiting for Baby. And enjoying the rest that the Lord has given to me in this time, in this season, with no real pressing deadlines or agenda. The squares on the calendar are full of white blanks. I’m sort of enjoying it that way.

๐ great thoughts. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on finishing your herbal studies and getting your certificate. I’m just getting into herbs, but not wanting to add too much too soon. With only little ones I don’t find time for much else besides cleaning cooking and homeschooling! ๐ and sewing with my grandma on Fridays. Little by little I’ll learn, and enjoy the process while getting there. ๐ thanks again for the update, I’ve been thinking of you and wondering if baby has made his appearance yet. My last was 7 days late and it sorta seemed like forever, but was still shocked when I was in labor. Lol best of luck your in my prayers.
Kerimae, I was just thinking about your baby number eight (Hebrew for “new beginnings”) and how important this time is for your family. You are not just waiting. You are building. You are preparing. You
are nurturing life, your life in this season of
HIS “new beginning” HE has for you. You
will be so glad that you didn’t miss it! Selah.
Blessings to you and your happy & growing growing family.
I thought for sure when I checked your blog that there would be an announcement about a new baby. My first baby was 3 weeks early and my last was 4 days late, which made it seem like she was a month overdue. The three in the middle were all induced slightly before their due dates. Waiting is so hard! Praying for God’s blessing to be upon you and your baby throughout this miracle of birth. I love keeping up with the journey of your life, probably because we have some of the same hearts’ desires. It is nice to know I have company in the out-of-the-box life God has blessed me with.
Glad you live rather too far away for me to come get those kittens…..Was it a feral cat who took shelter in you garage as your cat is rather past childbearing age……..hahaha….just realised what i have written…oops!!!! No pun intended!!! Red face, shame faced look.
Hope babe arrives soon,
LOL ๐ No, she is a barn cat, rather young.
Happy One Week Late to me ๐ Still waiting….