It’s almost here! No…really…
We just finished recording and producing the audiobook, which was like running a marathon and then running another marathon. The big launch day is coming up fast and you’re going to be so happy you waited for it. We’ll have a GREAT one-day sale that will have extras attached as freebies.
Why the wait? The book has been ready for a bit, but recording an audiobook is pretty hard in a small house with lots of little (and big) feet running around….and we wanted to have that audiobook option ready for you. Tom also added all sorts of fun sound effects and bonus material to that, too, which also took a quiet moment (or 732 “quiet moments”). There will be a Journal coming out shortly thereafter (it’s ready!) to compliment the book, AND we’ve got the eBook reader formats ready, too. All that to say, we’ve been working very hard to produce all of this for you, our sweet audience…in between homemaking and homeschooling and getting *some* sleep (because, you know, the only REAL “quiet moments” were after the kids were asleep!). Then there were things happening around here like trees trying to fall on our heads…
I’m so passionate about this message! Your life is a gift, a precious treasure. So are the lives of the people you know. We’ve all been blessed with talents and interests, and I believe there is room for those in our lives as well. Are you regularly pulled away from what you desire your Real Life to look like by distractions? Especially of the Internet sort? I can laugh now at all of the things I did to combat my media addictions, but the lessons I learned stick with me to this day, and I’m thankful.
I have a couple of other big projects I’m working on, too. I don’t know if you’re gonna love them, but I’M gonna love them! Seriously, I’m SO excited about the possibilities of creating a more Present culture, even if that is just with me and a few of my closest friends and readers. I know there are a lot of us hungry to live in a deliberate and slower-paced, yet still purposeful and meaningful and glorifying-to-God, life. My hope is that you will read or hear my story, be sad with me over my regrets, laugh over my crazy attempts (what WAS that sticky thing in the junk drawer?), and join me in spurring one another to connect with the pursuit of being more attentive to the Lord, our loved ones, and our lives.
Stay tuned! I’m so excited to share this with you all!

I can’t wait to hear what you did to combat the impulses to get online when (fill in the blank). I’ve gone so far as to ask hubby to lock everything down during certain hours! Where oh where was self control? But I have since learned there are some happy juices that bathe the brain when we “reward” ourselves with online (me) time. I’ve been trying to stay aware of the magnetic pull of this feel good dopamine/endorphin concoction. What I work on, and I know you do too, is finding that satisfaction in pushing through the hard moments to get to the other side. I think we get overwhelmed and discouraged and hit the Internet waves for a shot of help. But it never really comes. Hard work and accomplishing our goals will deliver what we are searching for and with longer lasting results minus the guilt! Can’t wait for your audio book, Keri Mae. So excited to hear of your journey and your testimony!
I will be watching my inbox with great anticipation! Looking forward to when it’s released. I need this! 🙂