So I’m reading Elisabeth Elliot (you do, too, I hope), and I end up marinating in a passage she quoted, perfect for the blurry transition we are in between “how it was” and “what it will be”:
“The Christian turns again and again from that bewildered contemplation of history in which God is so easily lost, to the prayer of filial trust in which He is always found, knowing here that those very things which seem to turn to man’s disadvantage may yet work to the Divine advantage. On the frontier between prayer and history stands the Cross, a perpetual reminder of the price by which the Kingdom is brought in.” (Evelyn Underhill)
Ah yes, that price, that event that split time by which we manage our calendars. On the other side of Resurrection Sunday, we perhaps see the point of it more clearly than did the disciples at the time, but when I read their words in my hands on a fresh morning, I wonder truly which of us sees things more clearly after all. For even within the brethren today bewilderment reigns when instead we ought to be reminding ourselves that what we are in the midst of is no surprise whatsoever even as we seek prudent measures to protect ourselves: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places (Matthew 24:7).
So we do as the disciples of Jesus have done and continue to do: press in, press on, and hold fast to truth. We obey God and love our neighbors. We pray. We walk in humility and extend grace. We proclaim the gospel, trust God, and continue in the faith grounded and settled. All these things we do, from our hearts, even from our homes.
It’s hard to be in a world turning topsy turvy. And I know that getting a package in the mail is not exactly going to solve anyone’s worries or problems, but….maybe?….it would lift the heart a little bit? I’m going to be sending one package out to a random person on my mailing list.
What’s in it? One copy of PRESENT, one handwoven spring kitchen towel (yes, handwoven), and two already-stamped postcards.
Why PRESENT? Because at this time we have opportunity, wanted or not, to consider or re-consider what our priorities are and to think deeply about them.
Why the handwoven kitchen towel? Because having something handmade and beautiful at hand and within eyesight just gives a simple pleasure.
Why the postcards? Because snail mail. And because your friends want to hear from you. So does your aunt and the elderly person you know who is living alone. You’ll only get two so you’ll have to choose 😉
The giveaway will be only two days: April 14 and 15th, so if you’d like your hat in the ring, don’t delay!
Beloved, stay your mind and heart upon Jesus. He knows. He knows.

How fun! Thank you so much for spreading some joy. 🙂 I agree, looking at something handmade always bring me joy. And as always thank you for the words to ponder. I love the thought of marinating in passages. A great way to think about it in my mind. Thanks Kari Mae!
Amy G
Thank you, Amy. I can’t wait to send this package out!
I love your book! And your crafting so inspires me. I would love to hear how you handle electronics with your children.
Thank you, Kim!
Managing electronics is certainly more of a challenge now than it was twenty years ago. I’m happy to share what we’re doing and will keep that in mind for a future post.
Oh Keri,
The package arrived with such beauty with those butterfly stickers!
The towel……..oh, my! The pictures do not do these works of art justice. The labor of love and time that you invest to create these works of heart is incredible.
I am so grateful for this gift.
Thank you so much!
Kim Eversman
I’m very thankful you YOU, Kim! So pleased you were blessed 🙂