After five days, we were given the option of taking Poppy home on a supplemental oxygen unit and decided we could do that. What a blessing! We had stayed in the hospital with Ruby for ten days waiting for her to wean off the oxygen. For Poppy, no waiting, just the opportunity to go home. We’re so very thankful.
As I look at these photos of myself and my husband, I think, wow, we’re not spring chickens! I think about the fact that I am 44 years old, and that I just had a baby. I don’t feel like I’m 44, whatever that’s supposed to feel like. I consider this pregnancy one of my best, far better than the one I had at 26, and was blessed with a fabulous home birth where for the first time I didn’t really need any help getting through labor at all. What a blessing from the Lord. And the reality that is setting in is this: I am 44 years old. My childbearing years are coming to a close and I see menopause on the horizon. Someday I will not have a squishy sweet little baby to snuggle with as mine own, but Lord willing, I will begin welcoming grandchildren….while I still have small children at my feet. I envision an overlap of children within my home, fingerprints on the walls and cracker crumbs on the floors the rest of my days.
Our days. For as long as the Lord allows my husband and I to be together. So far we’ve had 22 years together (and four more if you count the years we had before marriage). Having all of these children together, raising them up, has strengthened our marriage and grown us up. I love spending life with my husband; he’s a wonderful man. And he’s handsome, too 🙂
As far as the siblings go, in my mind and experience, there has been no greater gift than the gift of a new brother or sister. Our children have all cheered at pregnancy announcements and were quite eager to have the baby at the end, asking constantly–and hopefully–daily–if I were having any contractions yet. It gives me great comfort to know that when I am gone home to the Lord, my children will all have one another. My hands *are* full. So is my heart towards each of these precious ones.
I am planning to spend the remainder of the year in rest. No schoolwork (for me), no self-imposed deadlines, no new projects to begin. Instead I plan to just pick at the handwork I have yet to finish, decorate for the holidays, and continue to plug along getting this little bungalow in order for our family. I plan to make and drink plenty of bone broth and herbal teas, and to let my mind and body take a sabbatical from the craziness of this past year. Those are my *plans*. We’ll see if the Lord so allows.

I was so excited to see an update! I’ve been thinking about you guys and Poppy! It is funny that I feel so close to your family even though I’ve only been listening to your podcasts (I think I’m caught up now) for a couple months. I’m home all day with my kiddos and once in awhile get out for a walk when my husband gets home. More times than not I have you guys on my iPod and I walk around town with a smile on my face because you often make me laugh. I love your realness and humor. I often come home from my walks and tell my husband all about what ever you have talked about. Thank you for sharing your lives and thoughts with me. I pray the rest of the year is a bit of a respite for you. One of my children was born with caudal regression syndrome (very rare), so when I hear of you being in the hospital with your baby it brings back memories of our own stay (and the many since). Your family is beautiful! I look forward to hearing more from you all when time allows. Snuggle that beautiful new baby 🙂
I am glad you guys have made it home. What a precious photo of your son and baby Poppy. From the photos she looks plump and healthy so hopefully she can be weaned from the oxygen soon. I will continue to pray for her and for your whole family. I think you are wise to invest in rest. The days are so much sweeter drenched with rest. Blessings!
Oh, how beautiful Poppy is! I am grateful for her with you and pray blessings over her and your family. I know you will enjoy her greatly and that she will be equally blessed by you. God is so good!
I just can’t get enough of her baby cuteness. And is she smiling in her big brother arms looking at him? Blessings.
Congratulations on Poppy and on bringing her home!
You all look so wonderfully comfortable holding her and it is so obvious that He placed this bundle of joy in just the right arms to care for her. My thoughts are with you, asking for rest and physical strength for your whole family.
You’re a precious woman. I feel honored to be part of your journey. Prayers for your rest and for Poppy’s continued health.
Hi Keri Mae!
I am finally catching up on your blog. I have a link to it from my own blog but I rarely update mine anymore so have not been reading anyone else’s either. My Mom mentioned that you had another baby so I had to come and take a look. Poppy is beautiful! I definitely know how you feel with knowing your baby-bearing years are nearing an end. I found that to be the case with our last baby. It is a hard realization but yet as you I look forward to holding precious grandchildren not too far down the road.
So sweet to *see* you again 🙂