My husband blessed me with a short road trip vacation with a friend of mine. We hopped into my little car with our bags and her spinning wheel, and I promised to drive the six hours one way and back as long as she pointed the way with the help of her spiffy iPhone maps application.
Our destination was the Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, Oregon, where the fairgrounds hosted buildings-full of roving, yarns, dyes, spindles and everything else you could think of to do with animal fiber. It took a very long time just to walk through the amount of vendors and to just see everything. While there, we both took some classes, and also watched some of the fleece judging. This man, from New Zealand I think, was so impressively educated on everything fleece. He was able to just look and feel and then start expounding on the type of animal, the breed (he could even guess the cross!), the manner of shearing and the overall quality. He was also very funny! It was a jolly good show.
One of the things I did ahead of time was research the “best” places to eat while there as I prefer to avoid chain restaurants as much as possible. Oh boy, did we eat well…such as Thai food, burgers, pizza, wraps, and of course some lamb sausage at the Gathering itself. This was probably the funniest food we came across, though, all knitted:
Speaking of food, we meandered around the Saturday farmer’s market and I think there were three full blocks of vendors (no joke!). Wow, do I ever wish we had a market like that in our own neighborhood! Naturally, most of the offerings were organic. I picked up a basket of cherries that I enjoyed later that afternoon.
What I should have picked up in addition to cherries was some of this woman’s amazing rose petal jams and treats. The sample was yummy!
I mean, just check out how gorgeous her chocolate rose petal truffles look.
We were really amused by a small group of people that were walking around shaking canastas and singing “Saturday….marrrrrr-ket!….” This little girl added to the ambiance with her smirk and ears and fox tail and violin playing. And yes, there was quite a bit of tie-dye everywhere.
I was aware of the presence of at least three vendors who were either evangelizing or trying to raise money for Christian work. This particular one was selling jewelry and donating to the pregnancy care center where women could get support for choosing not to abort their babies. Ironic, how the current fight is for the abortion industry to maintain federal funding while the real support and care comes from women scrapping to sell hand goods to truly care about “women’s health”.
The funny thing is, while we were driving around trying to not go down a one-way street, in the middle of a conversation I lamented aloud, “Where are all of the street preachers, calling people to repentance and giving them the hope of the gospel like Paul?” And whaddayaknow, at that very moment my friend pointed to my left and there he was! I called out to him, “thank you!” and he nodded. Who knows if he was feeling discouraged just when I thanked him? *sigh* Jesus is amazing. And I was so encouraged that He was still active and at work in the world, not willing that anyone should perish. I really did miss going to worship that Sunday morning.
We did find a used bookstore during our stay; it was two stories and filled top to bottom. I was thinking, “great farmer’s market….great used bookstore…I could move…”
Oh yeah, and this bakery cinched it for me (the willingness to move thing). Seriously, this has got to be the best bakery I’ve ever been to. For some better photos, check out their website. Prepare to drool.
In between classes and touring and just messing around at the sheep gathering (and yes, there were hundreds of actual sheep there too), I spent a goodly amount of time just lying in the grass under the bright warm sunshine reading and writing. I almost forgot how great it feels to just lie in the grass with bare feet and a good book! It was an amazing gift my family gave me, this time just to rest and to do nothing (other than drive, eat, and shop).
One of the last places my friend and I visited was a huge rose garden. It was beautiful, but because the grounds had been fumigated just days earlier, it was rather much for our senses. But gorgeous blooms besides, and an enjoyable end to our trip.
I’m sorry to say I didn’t get even one picture of my friend and I together! It was really a very lovely time, and I’m looking forward to going again some year with my daughters and perhaps taking a friend or two again and their daughters. I am thankful for the time, and appreciate my family for letting me take it.

Oh! How fun! I went to a ladies retreat in June which was wonderful, but I haven't done a girlfriend road trip in too long. I love your pictures. I'm tasting baked goods!
What a wonderful trip. I think I may have gotten lost in that book store forever.Blessings,Dawn
Hi,I am a faithful listener to your podcast. I always love hearing what you have to say. I am a mother of 3 ages 6 to 2. I need a little advice from someone I deeply respect. We have been given a opportunity to send our son to a homeschool enrichment program. It is one day per week. I am conflicted in my heart about it. I fear it might pull his little heart away from us and home. I know he would have a great time but I am wanting his great times to be with his family. I think I know your opinion about this, I just may need a little encouragement. Thank you for ministering to mom's like me. God bless you!Rebecca in KS
Keri Mae,I came across your podcast this evening on iTunes after searching "christian mother". We are in the process of moving to a temporary home as we look and pray and hope for a more permanent dwelling. Needless to say this means I'm working a little "overtime" with a seven month old who wants all Mommy's attention (and is getting into everything!) and a two bedroom apartment of stuff to sort through and pack. I listened to your podcast about God's provision and also about keeping your babies home. While I was doing a ton of dishes both of these really blessed me. I will definitely be listening in the future and will catch up on the podcasts already on iTunes! So encouraging to hear how God is working in your family.Steena
Thank you, ladies for your sweet words. Words of affirmation are such a balm, aren't they? I'm humbled by them.It is true that I would agree with you, Rebecca, about keeping your babies at home. Your sweet darlings are so young, and now is the time to cultivate their relationships with one another, and to take the opportunities to shape character. If it were a government school program I would definitely steer clear of it because I believe those programs do tend to morph, and our freedoms to independently homeschool (or even to make other parental choices!) are more at risk because of them. Ultimately I would ask if participating in it really furthers you and your husband's family vision. But truly, may His grace abound to you in peace whatever you decide!Hang in there, Steena! You're working really hard right now and giving it your all. Someday your baby won't be so needy, but the time and love you've invested now will bless you continuously afterwards. Yes, it really is worth it!Run the race, friends!Keri Mae
Thank you Keri Mae. I appreciate your words of affirmation. I especially love the exhortation to run the race. It takes endurance, does it not?! It is a program offered through our church, but like you said, now is the time to cultivate relationships and character. I appreciate your sound mothering wisdom. Thank you again and may God richly bless you!Rebecca in Kansas