If you want the ending of the matter immediately: all is currently well.
If you want the story: keep reading.
We had a wonderful home birth three days ago, despite being eleven days past the due date. Overall, I think that despite the insanity of the past year with downsizing our home (are you listening to our story?), the pregnancy itself was very good. I didn’t have any of the nausea, the heartburn, the lack of energy (thank God…how else could I have moved an entire household?). So between the pregnancy and the birth, I think I did best with this baby than with any of the other seven. We won’t talk about the afterpains.
After Baby came out, however, it was clear to everyone that not only did she need a little oxygen from the midwife (her color was a bit dusky), but that she had Down Syndrome. It feels a lot like deja vu….a second daughter with Downs. You can read Ruby’s birth story here. Ruby is now six.
So here I am, once again in a hospital with a daughter plugged into all kinds of machinery. There are some differences, however. This little one has far better muscle tone, had a great birth to expel all of that lung fluid (Ruby was c-section), and she nurses better than many of my kids ever did. The downside of where we are, however, is that I’m considered a “visitor” and cannot have food in the room at all (it’s NICU; no one can), I have to walk halfway around the floor to get to a restroom, and there is no one here to take care of ME except my husband and whomever else happens to be visiting.
We are waiting for my baby to wean off of the oxygen and to maintain good blood sugar results. So far she is doing real well, and we covet your prayers to have her come home speedily. Please pray for me, too; healing here is more of a challenge and I am feeling it. My husband Tom is taking lots of notes, so be sure to subscribe to the podcast if you want to hear more when it comes out.
Please join me in welcoming, celebrating, and praying for Poppy.

Blessings to you, Kerimae. Praying for baby Poppy to gain her strength so that she can come home soon to her wonderful family.
You are in my prayers. God bless you and your family.
You are such a blessing. I love her name!
You are a wonderful mommy friend. And God could not have picked anyone other than you to take care of sweet little Poppy. Praying she comes home soon. xo
Welcome, welcome to sweet baby Poppy!!
Ooooh, the heart desires to get on a plane and bring the latest batch of good nourishing bone broth for you; and to sit with you and hear what it is that God is whispering to you…
But our love and prayers are certainly with you when we cannot.
Thankful to see your new little one! She’s beautiful! Looking forward to seeing her blossom in your home. Will be praying for you all!
p.s. I have a nephew, David, who also has down syndrome. Here were a few posts from the blog my brother and sister-in-law kept that might be encouraging.
What do you respond when a friend (even a one-way kinda blog and podcast friend) shares something sweet with bitter intermingled? You’re silent on the outside but disjointedly pray on the inside. Unfortunately that response translate over internet well. Our family is praying today and in the future for yours as we’re reliving our own “Ruby and Poppy” story in our 11 year old’s life.
-Praying that in this time you’d feel God’s hand over you as Moses surely must have in the cleft of the rock. And that both Ruby and Poppy would be as seen as the red fire declaring God’s glory.
She is so beautiful! So glad to hear baby Poppy has arrived. I too have a daughter with Down syndrome, she is now 13, and was my first baby. My birth experience with her was very similar to the one you had with Ruby. Thank you so much for having shared that story, it really helped me to hear what you had gone through. I will pray for you and Poppy, and hope that you will be able to take her home soon.
Oh she is beautiful! Congrats!!!! When my son with Down syndrome was born via C-section and flown 3 hours away, I almost lost my mind! I was discharged within hours (I think they knew I was going to leave regardless). I went straight to the NICU 3 hours away. I cannot express the blinding pain I went through to be with my son as a “visitor”. I refused to take pain medication because I didn’t want it to transfer to him through pumped breastmilk. All this to say, hang in there mama! You CAN do this!
I will be praying for you and your family and especially little Miss Poppy!
Welcome to the world, Poppy! I love her name. Blessings to Poppy and her family. I pray she can come home soon.
Congratulations on your new little girl! When my grandson, Jackson, was born almost six years ago with Down Syndrome, I actually felt peace (and no fear). God used your transparent sharing about life with Ruby to prepare our family. I was able to share your blog with my daughter and her husband (Jack’s parents) at that critical time their lives. They, in turn, have been called many times (my son-in-law is on the board of the Eastern Pennsylvania Down Syndrome Center) in the last six years to go to the hospital and stand alongside families when their babies are diagnosed with Down Syndrome, as well as share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They let them know that this is not the end of their lives…it’s only the beginning of a God-inspired chapter! May God richly bless you along with Ruby and little Poppy – I know He already has! I will continue to pray for you and your family. Much love in Christ….
Wow. What a blessing that you shared such a beautiful story, Pat. It never ceases to amaze me what an encouragement we can be to one another.
God bless you and your sweet family, Keri Mae and I pray that your little Poppy comes home healthy and soon. May you have strength and peace to endure the NICU stage. You are a blessing.
Thank you all so much for your comments. They are an encouragement, a balm, better than apples of gold. I read each one slowly, savoring. It helps to have friends from afar while I am away from my babies at home; I miss them so much. It is hard to go through this separation *again* but I am confident and convinced that God knows what He is doing, and I am endeavoring to trust Him more and more. I have lots to share, but guess that will need to be a blog post that hopefully will not ramble all over the place. Please keep praying for us all, and especially for Poppy and I to go home soon. Thank you so dearly.
Kerimae–what a blessing it has been to watch God move in your life & family for several years. Your posts are always like this sweet whisper that boasts so plainly of God’s unending faithfulness. I loved our few conversations several years ago & feel like we are distant friends. May you be filled with peace, joy, & such courage. May sweet Poppy be well & able to go home together with her precious family. May there be an overflowing of sweetness in your home always.
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter!! So happy for you all. I certainly will say a prayer right now! I know how it is to be in the NICU and nobody caring for you (a VERY minor issue and only 2 days but I remember very well the long walks and missing almost every meal. Even though I could go back to my room I didn’t want to).
I pray for healing and rest and a speedy release from the hospital. I pray that this newborn window (which is so fleeting) would just be a sweet time of togetherness and not tainted in any way. I pray for strength for your husband and children at home, all holding down the fort. I’m thankful for God’s sovereignty and His grace as I’ve seen displayed in your life.
Thank you for sharing this journey with us. You have been an encouragement to me.
God must think you and Tom are pretty special to give you another triple dose of blessing! I am so happy to hear of Poppy’s arrival. What a wonderful blessing for Thanksgiving.
this is A, congratulations on the baby! She is so beautiful! I’m praying for her. Happy Thanksgiving!
Poppy is beautiful, and what a home she has been blessed to be a part of. Congratulations to you, Tom, and the other beauties.
New souls are precious and always such as miracle. Love to you and your family. Will try and call you very soon.
Congratulations on the birth of your child!
I’m curious…what’s the connection between a baby born with lung fluid, low muscle tone, and Down syndrome?
I’ll apprciate your response.
The extra lung fluid was due to the c-section, rather than a normal birth that would push out the extra fluid as the chest emerges. This is true for any baby. The low muscle tone typically associated with Down Syndrome just made it extra hard for Ruby to do things such as hold up her head, work her mouth for a good nursing latch, etc. Poppy just seems to have better tone and is better able to do those things right away.
Oh how this has me sobbing. Every emotion. I stumbled on your blog through a post you did about something spiritual, one late night in Dec. 3 yrs ago. I couldnt sleep. The next day I would have a US that would confirm that our tenth child likely had DS. She does. I avoided any Christian blogs dealing with DS, they didnt minister to me. I wasnt ready. But the fact that God led me to your blog that night gripped my heart with fear. I knew what it was. Preparation. I have appreciated your honest transparency love and acceptance of all your children. But especially these ones that most people wouldnt pick. I wouldnt have. But God. He grew our hearts and our faith and it’s awesome and painful and mostly joyous. This baby, your family, utterly blessed. Thank you for sharing your heart and lives with us.
Dear Amy, your response has ME crying. “But God.” Yes….but God….amen and amen.
The unknown to us is known to God. What a joy divine! Leaning on the everlasting arms! Safe and secure from all alarms!