My son created a Lego stop motion film to celebrate Reformation Day. Legos are an important aspect of Slow Schooling: research, note taking, script writing, story boarding, animation and recording, video production, casting, directing and voice coaching, editing and producing. I’m not sure where all of that fits on a transcript, but there it is.
As an aside, it is curious to me how many professing Christians do not know their heritage, but not surprising given how many do not even know what the gospel is. And what a privilege it is to not only own a Bible, but one in our own language, that we can plainly read for ourselves and understand. What a blessing we can READ! Do you know that a recent study found that only 19% of Christians read the Bible every day? This is horrible! And do we really wonder at the state of our world these days?
I know this is a light touch on the whole subject of Reformation, and we could have hours of theological debate. That’s not my purpose or interest here on this blog, but I am glad to share this very cool video 🙂

Loved the trailer. Showed it to my son who also does motion capture. He liked it a lot.
It saddens me as well Keri to know that most people do not know about the Reformation, but what saddens me more is that many, many, Christians do not even know what the Bible says. I find this to be an epidemic.
I very much enjoyed the trailer and the commentary that followed. Thanks to your husband and son for taking the time to go step-by-step through the voices, costumes, and introduction. I showed my sons Ben (13) and Noah (10) and they were so impressed. They actually though it was from LEGO until they heard the message. 🙂 Now, the only problem is that they now want to make a video! Ugh! And just how do you do that Miss Keri or should I say Mr. Tom? 🙂 This too shall be interesting.
Keep up the good work Lamar family!!!!