Well, “finishing something” sounded like a great idea but alas resistance comes knocking and I am more than eager to open the door and allow it to hinder me. Although, I suppose I could say that I finished a book (I did), so that would in essence open up the opportunity to start things anew here and there, right? Ah yes, it’s so easy to relieve ourselves of checklists and deadlines, isn’t it? Yesterday I picked up a charm pack of Moda’s Noteworthy and am eager to make something with it for myself. I couldn’t help myself; it was fabric and the love of writing combined!
One thing I want to do more is to get outside to take a regular walk. Some days I am inside the house all.day.long. And at the end of those days? I’m lamenting, I’ve been inside allllll day lonnnnnng! And the next day I am busy with just one more load of laundry, just a few more minutes to wash the dishes, just a little more reading aloud…..and then the day is gone again! I want to obey the incessant call to go outside more often though, and with signs of spring to greet and delight my eyes, it shouldn’t be too difficult. Let’s hope.
Want to walk around with me a bit? Buds are forming on the trees, the witch hazel is in bloom, the garden beds are awaiting seeds. My goats are near to kidding and the hens are about to be penned up in their chicken tractor again for the season. The greenhouse is heated now, encouraging seedlings to grow, and daffodils are coming up. I love the coming scent of spring. Such a promise of new life!
I bet if you took your own walk, you’d see signs of the new season as well. And, like me, the twenty minutes or so of fresh air would be a welcome charge to encourage you in whatever projects you are working on, new ones and all.

Spring Cometh http://t.co/rSAubFuG4g via @sharethis
Today we are still just hoping for spring. We had some snow last night. The rain washed it away today. I have seen some geese coming north for the summer. More birds are singing in the trees. I haven’t seen a robin. I don’t know if I’ve been oblivious to their return though. We’ll start seeds indoors before the end of the month for May plantning outdoors. Soon, spring is coming soon.