Well, it’s the first day of spring and I finally closed my eyes to the mess indoors and went outside. I’ve had starts by my kitchen windows, and because I’m getting tired of working around them, decided some of them could go outside. I put a bunch of kale seedlings out, and topped it with my makeshift cloche. Someone who shall remain nameless (partly because said “someone” hasn’t confessed) stepped into this plastic bin and broke it. Ah well; it makes for a good greenhouse.
I figured it might still be too early to plant salad greens, but didn’t really have anything to lose (except, of course, a dozen seeds or so). In they went, and I topped them with a little plastic wrap. We’ll see in a week or so if I get some tiny sprouts going, and then I’ll cloche them, too.
The free-ranging hens (we downsized to three) and rooster were more than happy to keep me company, and pecked and scratched in the raised bed next door. Their running-around days are ending probably this weekend. Sadly for them, the fence to the coop is going back up for the season to keep them out of my gardens. I understand the move-the-chicken-tractor-every-day chore, but sometimes you just gotta find a place to park those birds and let it just be the way it is. For the sake of one less chore.
In case you were curious, our rooster is a black copper maran. We’ve never kept a rooster before, but he has earned his keep by staying friendly and managing his gals well. His crow is really curious, but it’s all right by us. Downstairs in the basement we’re raising chicks again: more amercaunas, speckled sussex, and black australorps. Plus another brooder of black and red “broilers” for the freezer. I’ve done the experiment of downsizing poultry and I miss my eggs and meat!
While I was in the garden, I pulled weeds and observed. Coming up: garlic, lovage, echinacea, rhubarb, calendula, and of course dandelion en masse. The daffodils are already blooming and the irises won’t be too far behind. Everything is budding out, beautifully. It is a little odd, planning and planting for an unknown future; will *I* get to harvest these things? Or someone else? All I can hope is that, if we move, someone is planting for me, too.
We have to repair some raised beds. They lasted ten years! I refused to use treated lumber, so of course the wood rotted. It’s worth the comfort of knowing I don’t have chemicals seeping into my food.
Spending time in the garden (and with these critters!) is always a pleasant time for me.

I love the plastic wrap idea! We had the warmest day yet up here in London, ON and I was able to start plucking the dead plants from last year, and planted a potato eye in a pot indoors (an experiment – I may have soaked it too long but I hope to be able to get something to grow). Looking forward to being inspired by your garden this spring and summer, wherever it ends up being.