I feel the need to do an update. It’s been 5 1/2 years since our downsize from the big house, and as we don’t really address it anymore on the podcast, I thought I’d share with you where we are.
So, where are we?
We are currently in our third rental, which truth be told, has been a difficulty but not without God’s obvious provision and care. Both moves from the previous rentals were not by our own decision making, but God wonderfully provided for us, and we are now in a comfortable home on acreage, awaiting what’s next.
So, what’s next?
Last summer we purchased a plot of raw land in a good location, close to Tom’s work and numerous trails. The lot is about five acres, but it is a land that is not truly beneficial for farming or pasture as it has a ravine and a section of wetlands along the borders. It suits us on many levels other than the location. One, it would be a fascinating place to explore with all kinds of wildlife around. And, two, the ravine and wetlands area extend well beyond our property lines which means that no one will be building anywhere close to us, ever. So it feels like we have a lot more land, and all that privacy, besides. And, three, there is still some space for small livestock and gardens should we choose to pursue those things again.
So, what now?
Now, we wait (and we’ve gotten pretty good at waiting). We wait for wetland buffer and mitigation surveys, we wait for county permits, we wait for contractors and well drillers and dirt movers and countless other people and events to happen.
But in the time of waiting, it’s not that nothing happens. I’ve felt that way a lot, that “nothing is happening”, especially because we welcomed two more babies in the midst of those 5 1/2 years, but feelings are not reality. Waiting for a baby, waiting (and wading) through postpartum challenges, waiting for finances and resources and energy levels to grow. As I look back, however, I see a lot of growth.
Growth in our family, for sure, and not simply in numbers. But in maturity, experience, closeness, and love. Growth in our dependence of God, in prayer, and in trust of His ways and His timing. Growth in the decisions about how and where we spend our time and money. All of the reasons, really, why we downsized in the first place.
Then there are the surprises. When I think on everything I gave up (my livestock, my gardens, my homesteading tools, my custom home…), I see how God poured out new skills and interests into my life. I’ve had three books published, and have another one in the wings. It excites me to know I have not only an opportunity to write down what I’ve learned, but to know I have an audience (thank you!) who not only reads and listens to and enjoys my work, but supports it through Patreon and in buying my books.
More surprises: my love of the fiber arts and the opportunities and time I’ve had to further my skills in them. I see the same thing blooming in my mixed media art. As it turns out, not only can I milk a goat…I can make art! And, hopefully soon, I’ll open a little shop to sell beautiful items to share with others. In the meantime, you can see all of those things by following me on Instagram.
Are you walking in fear of what-if’s and the lack of guarantees on the cusp of making major decisions? All I can testify is that whatever happens, if you are in Christ, God will be there and God will still be working for you and for your good. It’s not that He will make lemonade out of lemons, it’s that He will do above and beyond anything you expect, and you may not see or understand it all until much, much later. I wonder, however, what my response would have been, if in prayer and asking for all that good growth in my life, Jesus had plainly said, “Step one: sell your big house.” I wonder, further, what He would say to me today.

I first discovered your podcast when I did a search on downsizing. I was hooked and really enjoyed all that you shared during the process. I gleaned so much of what you guys shared. We were in a similar situation. We downsized in 2018 and are currently living in a tiny rental home, there is only six of us though. We are now going to move out of state this June into a bigger home then our rental, but into something more affordable. I look forward to what God has in store for you and your sweet family. God bless!
Thank you, Cynthia 🙂
Your post spoke to me as I have been in a season of waiting for 19 years — but things are beginning to happen that we never expected. God is not finished even when we think He has closed a door. Thank you for your insight and taking the time to share with your readers what God is doing in your life. God bless –
Thank you, Dana. I have been in awe many times in my life over how God has worked for my good, even in (or maybe especially in) the seasons I never would have chosen to partake in. He is trustworthy and true, faithful and full of lovingkindness, and I rejoice with you in His righteous care for us.