It may not look like summer outside. We may keep on eating warm lentil soups and crockpot casseroles. Sweaters are still within reach. But……I am still going to make PIES. That is one of my *summery* things, and I’m stickin’ to it. We harvested some rhubarb from the garden but the strawberries are sad little things (pining for sun, I’m sure), so they came from the market. This recipe is easy.

While you’re letting that sit, preheat the oven to 375 degrees, and make dough for one 9″ single pie crust. My favorite crust mix is this: 1 cup flour, 1/2 tsp sea salt, and 1/3 cup organic vegetable shortening into a food processor. As it mixes, dribble in 4 to 5 TB of ice water, and let it mix just until it forms a ball. Roll out onto floured surface and cut strips.
Put the strawberry rhubarb mixture into a deep pie dish, and top with 2 TB pieces of unsalted organic butter. Lay on the strips of dough, forming a lattice. Brush the lattice top with fresh cream and sprinkle on a touch of white (gasp!) sugar.
Bake until the pastry is golden brown, anywhere from 30-45 minutes. Let cool completely within sight and smell of your children and watch them down their vegetables to get their dessert. This is a “scoopable” pie, it isn’t firm. So use a bowl, scoop away, and top with ice cream not made with funky ingredients. Enjoy!
Recipe adapted from Sweety Pies.

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