I think I spoke too soon that summer had arrived, for after two days of sunshine we returned to our regularly scheduled programming of overcast gray and rain. The locals are in great lament over the lack of umph in the vegetable garden, but we have slowed down our schooling a bit to make time for other projects.
Like cards. I like making these. So I had a baby card, a birthday card, a thank you card, and a thinking-of-you card made. Unfortunately, time got away from me that day and when I looked at the clock it was 6:00 suppertime! Ack! Thankfully, there was plenty of leftovers for very quick burrito making!

Part of me just wants to finish up all of the *works in progress* I have stashed away. I suppose it’s because our house is for sale, and I just want to finish all the things in my “in box” before starting over somewhere else. It just feels more tidy, y’know?
I love the mini-buttons here. I didn’t know what to do with them, but found a sampler I had done a while ago. Also check out the embroidery: it’s done with hand dyed floss and has a natural variation in the color. It’s just yummy. I’m looking forward to adding more colors in the future.

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