Not that anyone was waiting on the edge of their seats, but here is the other half of the kitchen decorated for Christmas. You can see where I started here.
I put little ornaments here and there on the shelves. And yes, those vanilla cocoa stirrers are yummy.
Then, I hung up vintage Christmas card scenes onto the cabinet knobs. These were postcards edged in glitter and hole punched for a pretty ribbon to go through.
Of course I continued the string of lights. What is it about Christmas lights that just makes every room SO much prettier? I keep these up until Valentine’s Day. Because I can. And because it’s dark here in the winter in the Pacific Northwest.
I added some shiny ornaments here and there to catch the light. I like the crackly glaze on these.
It didn’t cost me very much for these two little plants. One is a cypress that I thought looked like a mini Christmas tree and I stuck a wee birdhouse into the pot. The other is a little rosemary that I can clip for a while before planting outdoors. I like the look and smell of a little potted greenery in the kitchen, especially in the winter.
I picked up this scale a few months ago and love it! Currently it holds a little snowman peeking out, but the scale itself is completely useful. You know, for those times I need to weigh up to a 60 pound turkey or something.
Lastly, I drug up the old family handed down sled from the basement. We didn’t get hardly any snow last winter so it just sat down there. This year I decided I needed it to be flying around my kitchen, so it was hung up onto hooks and chains (into studs of course!) that would make it very easy to take down if and when said white stuff appears en masse. In the meantime, it’s decked out with cedar greens from the woods and…lights…can’t have enough lights! This is what I call the ultimate in *use what you have* decorating. I’m thinking of hanging up the old metal 40 year-old trike in the spring! Why not decorate from the ceiling?
How sweet do you make the place you spend the most of your time in? Even if you’re working in an office, you could probably put a snow globe or two on your desk 🙂

i haven’t even thought about that yet…
So country cute (I believe the proper name is rustic(?)) For some reason, I’ve not been able to access your blog in months! I have some catching up to do!
oy the bane of website woes…thanks for letting me know
Love it! We are attempting to sell our home in attempt to purchase a “fixer upper” with more acreage. The kitchen will be my first project (if the Lord allows). Just wanted you to know that your kitchen is such an inspiration for me. I love, love, love your style.
Thank you! How fun to be dreaming about redoing a kitchen (well, fun to ME!). I wish you the very best!