Psalms 116:7-9 Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.
I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.
I’ve been slowly and quietly working through the book of Galations. It is here where Paul sternly rebukes those who are adding works to the gospel, as though the cross and resurrection were not enough in themselves to justify the sinner and remove the wrath of God as far as the east is from the west. This book needs to be preached even today, as the “to do” list seems to be ever growing if you want to be a “serious” Christian, those whom are concerned about holiness and walking closely with the Lord. Seems rather silly to me, really, this idea of degrees of proper following. Also seems to me if a person is truly saved, they ARE serious about serving the Lord, and they already do so to the best of their ability out of gratitude. Why do we need to impose an expectation or checklist of works? I touched on this earlier in this post.
I’m afraid that is one of the pitfalls of Lent or of any other season of self-examination. We gauge our walk by how far we need to go, how much we’ve left undone, how we fall short of expectations (from, you know, that amalgam of “everybody”). We make plans for what we’re going to give up, try harder at, conquer. What we need to do, methinks if you want to *do* anything, is consider the gospel first and foremost: remembering, refreshing, and returning to the rest that the Lord has already given.
It doesn’t mean He won’t discipline, stretch, or challenge you to cultivate a more meaningful walk (according to His standards). It doesn’t mean He won’t press it upon you to learn to pray, or to share the gospel, or to seek restitution with the brother that has something against you. But these things, these habits, will naturally come forth as you believe on Him. And believing on Him IS the “work”. So, again, preach the gospel to yourself first. And listen.
I thought I’d share with you how I am spending my time before Easter. I decided to really pull back and unplug a bit. I’m not tweeting, and I’m keeping my cell phone turned off while at home. I’m not keeping up on any blogs or websites either. It’s been…..rather quiet. All I can do on the computer now is pop it open, delete 7-8 emails, answer a couple, work on a blog post….and then get off of the internet. It’s almost…boring. But I am needing boring. I am needing that a lot right now.
Instead I am using my computer time to write more. And I am playing with and learning Photoshop (now that takes brain power!). So, enjoy some newbie Photoshop photos in this post as I share some of my late winter activities.
I continue to putz around the house, rearranging things, decluttering, moving furniture, painting. I’m sure this will only get worse as I get closer to having the baby (watch out, “nesting instinct”!). I’m enjoying breaking some “rules”, like the silver we got as a gift that’s supposed to be hand-washed (been throwing them in the dishwasher), polished (haven’t for years) and never, ever used unless the queen of England is having tea. Forget that. I even took them out of the drawer and put them on top of my counter, nestled in a handwoven tea towel. Does this qualify for “shabby chic”?
This is the stack of books and magazines and art supplies that are pulling me into my art journal more. I am learning how to journal my life with pictures, not just words. It’s a rather enjoyable practice, one that cannot really be rushed. And I so don’t want my life to be rushed.
But the reason I am not drawing more than I would like is because I am racing to finish a new quilt before the baby arrives. It’s not a baby quilt; it’s more like something to accomplish before he or she comes. Or before I get too big and uncomfortable to sew any longer. Currently I can manage an hour at a time. I’ve been listening to sermons or music or to Wretched Radio while in my craft room.
When I can’t manage being upright anymore, I lay down and read books. I have plenty of free downloads on my Kindle, but even so, I find I enjoy real paper more. I am reading novels, biographies, books on home organization, Christian books, and plenty of how-to’s. One book that I am enjoying right now, and rereading a lot, is A Gospel Primer for Christians: Learning to See the Glories of God’s Love. It’s a wonderful short little book that really helps in cultivating the habit of preaching the gospel every day. Did I mention how important that was?
Seeds have been started for the upcoming garden, too. If all goes well, they will be planted out in the kitchen garden middle of May.
Recently we had a beautiful sunshiny day and I announced to the children that we had to go buy some pansies and violets. Our wet and green (with moss) back porch was crying out for some color. So we piled into the van and brought home enough flowers to pretty up the view.
We still collect eggs every morning, and they are a work of wonder, one of the most perfect foods, and so gorgeous to look at, besides. This, this, makes me feel like a wealthy woman!
I’m not the only one expecting a baby. Our kinder does are expecting also, and are due to kid in May. I’ve been thinking about supplies I need to purchase, and how to create a plan for management that will suit our family.
And, yes, I’m still growing! Seven more weeks (or likely, more!) to go. That means I also need to get prepared: checking on what cloth diapers I have, buying some fresh onesies, and sewing up some simple swaddling blankies. I’m also tincturing herbs and preparing for teas and other things I like to have on hand. I don’t think I’ll need much more than those things; keeping it all simple. It’s one of the joys of being an older, experienced mother.

My favorite picture is your basket of eggs. I'm often amazed that God didn't create a one-size-fits-all egg. He made eggs of all shapes, sizes and hues. He is so good!You look lovely:-)
Hi Linda :)That's my favorite picture too! And, thank you. I'm *feeling* less lovely every day, but that was Valentine's Day and I let my hubby take a photo 🙂
My favorite picture is of you and your adorable belly and I LOVE your haircut!!!! It is so cute. You look so sweet. I am hanging on at nine weeks and praying the Lord will sustain this little one. So hard to fully embrace the idea after a loss but the one fact remains that God is God and His will be done! I love all your pretty pictures. Have a wonderful weekend.Rebecca
Thanks, Rebecca. Ironically, I'm ready to grow it all out again. We'll see how long I can keep up with coloring it too.Like you, I am just rejoicing in today, and thankful for however much time I have with my baby (and children). Don't wait for birth to love on your baby! xoxo