A couple of friends and I went clothes shopping yesterday and we had twelve full hours of having a good time with one another (do our husbands rock, or what?!). I have very rarely gone clothes shopping because I always had something (or someone) else on which to spend what little money I had, and truthfully I figured that between the barn animals and the baby spit-up, whatever I wore was going to get ruined anyway. And I hated shopping because I never really knew what looked good on me; it was a drag.
And then, one of my friends became a fashionista. And after watching her journey, I decided that, “Hey! I want to look that great too!” Maybe it’s because I turned 40 last year. Maybe it’s because we threw our house on the market, and then took it off. Maybe it’s because we had a miscarriage. Maybe it’s because I started running, completed a 5K, lost a bunch of inches and gained muscle. I dunno. But when I painted my closet I decided that nothing was going back that didn’t fit or look good on me. Having only half a dozen things left hanging in the closet was pretty sobering…was I just not thinking of ME at all?!
So I got my hair cut short and kissed the grey see-ya-later. And I bought a few shirts. Real shirts. With buttons, not t-shirts. And my mom bought me the most amazing jeans I’ve ever had. It was a lean-closet spring and summer but I sure enjoyed having a few new things.
Now that I’m popping out (that happens about immediately after having a few babies, y’know?), I’m needing maternity things. I almost have confidence that this baby will come around: my husband is rubbing my belly and the children are betting on blue versus pink and picking out names. I decided that no, I wasn’t going to use my old bin of maternity-ware, and I would just slowly pick up a few pieces as I could.
So, yesterday, my friends and I did just that and we had a blast! I bought some denim and shirts and a dress to wear for business functions with my husband. I couldn’t believe the big bag I took home was stuff for ME! I’m learning how to take better care of myself, and I’m thankful for friends who love me and encourage me to do just that. And can I just say….I’m thankful that I went back before the store closed and bought those cherry red Mary Jane pumps, too! (My mom would be so proud of me! She’s been wanting me to do this for years).
Is it difficult for you to treat yourself nicely, too? It’s amazing how just one new thing feels so nice. Your smile is what makes you beautiful, but a new pair of socks or a new sweater or a pair of earrings….that can feel just lovely too. If I could, I would buy you a mocha and make you try on stuff for hours on end, too.
Be blessed,

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