I am decluttering and downsizing and packing away my belongings. One box, one room, one area at a time. Even as the garage sale pile grows bigger, even as the trips to send off donations gain frequency, I am still bewildered about how I am going to make this downsize work. I’ve taken measurements of every room in the new house, and I *think* I know where everything will go, but until I’m there…I just won’t know. I have a feeling I’ll be doing another garage sale (or two) once we’re in our new town.
Meanwhile, we enjoyed preparing for and celebrating Easter, or Resurrection Sunday. Even with all of the activities we did, the decorating, the singing, fellowship and baking…I still pondered why it seemed I put more effort into Christmas. After all, if I had to choose THE holiday I most appreciate, I know it would be recognizing and remembering the day my Savior was raised from the dead. It gives me much to think about, how and why we do what we do.
Even in the midst of packing, we still enjoy having people come over. This was a practice session for sunrise service. The talent in our small church body is incredible and we are all blessed by them.
While trying to pack and get ready to move, I’m trying to keep things as “normal” as possible. We’re still homeschooling, doing laundry, feeding the animals. I spent Holy Saturday dyeing some eggs red, in the Greek tradition.
I think what I liked best was the polishing afterwards; it really brought out the shine!
Meanwhile, I had a sponge going for the Greek Easter bread my mom taught me how to bake.
Rising and baking and trying not to pick at it before Sunday…
We went one more time to meet with the current owner of the house we’re getting into. I freely admit I am completely smitten with the landscaping and gardens. As sad as I am to be leaving all of the gardens and work I did in my current house, a good amount of discovery and wonder and beauty is awaiting me!
One funny story that I shared with Tom…I was wandering through my current gardens and thinking of plants that I would miss. Like my lilac bush, which I love to cut from and thoroughly enjoy for that short stint that they bloom in May. At the new house, I was trying to console myself, reminding myself that I could plant again the things I have loved. And then….I looked up….and what do you think I saw? THREE small growing lilac bushes!! Three!! I wanted to cry. God is so sweet to me, to go ahead in such ways. It gives me more confidence.
The tulips at the new house were in a riot. I can’t wait to harvest from my own yard and bring them into my kitchen and living room and bedroom…
Here are some hostas coming up. I also saw many hollyhocks on their way and much more. If all of that delightfulness wasn’t enough, the owner gave to me at least a dozen pages with plant lists and MAPS of everything he and his wife had planted, labeled. I was amazed!!
Here is the little pond that I can watch outside the kitchen sink window.The owner says fish, frogs, and birds love it. I’m sure I will enjoy watching it over the years.
I just liked this, this little yellow snail matching the trim so nicely.
My husband seems to be handling all of the changes pretty well. He still is pretty goofy and knows how to make me laugh. Which is what I need a lot of these days!
I hope your spring is a lot more relaxing than mine! The air around my current house smells so sweet, like honey, with all of the fruit trees and various plants around the porch in bloom. Well, you know what *my* big spring projects are…what are some of yours?

I’ve been thinking of you a lot these past few days. I’m praying for you. For strength, for endurance, for joy in the midst of moving and saying goodbye to a home you love so much.
Ouida Gabriel
I remember downsizing well…….never again! Thoughts and prayers with you all. It is so obvious that this is the house God has chosen for you all, how wonderful to discover Lilacs, but then why be surprised when we know that God is in control?
I’m not a great celebrant of Christmas , it has got far too commercialised, Easter and the proceeding weeks of Lent and then Holy Week are much more powerful and meaningful…we don’t fast during Advent do we…..lol
Looking forward to hearing about the progress of your spring projects!!!
My spring projects?….Am to be accepted as a Postulant in the Third Order of St. Francis on 12th May..
God Bless and big hugs
Downsizing is a hard process, but it is also a freeing process! Praying for you and your family and the transition that will be coming. It will be a blessing. The new house has many beautiful places outside for your enjoyment. So happy for you.