Well. This is an upside-downing of things, isn’t it.
We are moving from our rental. Rather unexpectedly, and rather rushed, I would say. The old septic system on the property looks like it has had just about enough with our large family, so we’ve been nicely, and understandably, asked to leave. In six weeks.
Seems we’ve been here before. But God has been gracious and instead of having us wait and see for where His cloud would land, we were provided our next house the very next day. It is the former home of a friend who raised her own large family, on five quiet acres. So, we are moving back into a huge house again, one with gardens and woods and places to plant tomatoes and gather eggs. You can’t make this stuff up. I almost don’t know what to do with myself, but I did pack the first box today. It was difficult. Not the packing, but the “so we are moving again…”
Thus, the upsizing.
The downsizing? Well…not yet, but coming. A third of our children are now young adults, spreading their wings with university classes and jobs. What a flip from our podcast series, Downsizing our Home, Upsizing our Family!
So now I am in a flux. Still maintaining the homeschooling and schedule, but now hunting and packing boxes. Still working to finish a weaving project, but packing up all of my other craft supplies. And my mind is even more busy: what do I keep? what do I give or throw away? what will our new house be like? how long can we stay there? And so on, and so on, and so on…
All I know for certain is that God is going before me, and has everything in His hands. And when things get a little (or a lot) befuddled, I go back to the Lord I serve, and His faithfulness to me. He is a sure foundation (even when He’s moving!), and He is trustworthy. So, bring on the boxes and let’s get packing up once again.

I’ve been there! When my husband and I were young marrieds, we moved 6 times in 4 years! God brought us through and we learned a lot. Hang in there! Thanks for sharing and encouraging others. The Christian walk isn’t just pretty and easy…it is hard work and moving boxes too!
Keri Mae,
Thank you for the update on you and your family! Love hearing how you trust in the Lord during these unexpected turn of events! God is so Amazing. He has you in the palm of His hand and He is not letting go! Praying for you and your family as you step out into your next adventure. Blessings, Gina
I just wanted to say that I love this post. It was so encouraging to read how God has been faithful to your family over the years. I am a homeschooling mom of six. Hearing the faithfulness of God from other is very life giving. God bless you in your move.
Your journey will certainly be a fun one to share in decades to come… “And then we moved again…”. Thank you for the sweet reminder to turn to Jesus in all things, helping me today with a befuddled mind over little small light, but numerous things. Xxx
How very timely, and the imagery of God in the cloud is powerful. As you might know (because of course you have nothing else to do except keep up with our family, right? Lol), we are nearing the end of our homeschooling journey. Also, our son will be a college graduate in in a month, and I am honestly seeking Him for what to do/ where to go next. It is a frustrating time of lots of uncertainties, and this post articulated everywhere that I want and need to be mentally and spiritually. Thanks, as always, and blessings on your family.
Hi. It’s Kris Kruger from Idaho. Glad to hear you all get to have a big home again on five acres. Plus you’ll get to garden Again like at your other big home you had many years Ago. Very cool. Praying all goes well with the move, and that you can keep this home for many years to come. Blessings to you all.
Well, I go on vacation and you have big news. Wow. I guess I will start getting boxes when I get back. Stay calm. What a blessing to have somewhere to go. Love to you all.
Thank you all for your very kind comments. All of my wonderings, like room configurations, will come to light very soon. I am reminding myself everytime I think “How….???” with: God already knows, and He already has.