You can’t do it all. Or so they say. But what is the “all” that “it” entails?
Defining priorities seems to be a constant challenge in our culture and time. With so many choices at our fingertips and roads to take under our wheels, it is akin to an eternal buffet that our eyes and hearts can feast upon, “I want it all!”
And therein lies the rub. It is not the “all”. It is the “want.”
For the Christian woman, the to do list is clear.
Love the Lord your God.
Honor your marriage.
Train up your children.
Keep your house.
It can be translated daily in acts such as:
Have you read the Word, prayed today?
Did you give an encouraging word to your husband?
Did your child do the task assigned?
What’s for supper?
Do these things seem light? They are.
Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Too often my actions deem those things unimportant as I either cultivate or deal with frustration (and bitterness) over the lack of opportunity or progress in other areas. And then I say, “Well, I can’t do it all.”
And those primary things, those that make up the lighter burden, are cast aside for heavier weights. Because my heart wants all the shiny things the world deems urgent and important and sweet, and there is only so much room in my day.
I didn’t say I was smart.
But I am learning. I can’t do it all. And, for that matter, nor should I.
I want to desire and love the humble, lighter burden more. Somehow, I think carrying that load first will not only keep my feet light enough to follow the Lord in peace, but it will strengthen me for the rocks I may still want to pick up along the way.

I really liked this a lot! Somehow this year got WAY too busy for me…which sounds funny when I’m the one “in charge” I guess. Things crept in, I let things creep in. Some things are ending..which makes me happier! I really like seeing the order of things written out. I printed this out and am going to try to remember it more often. Thanks and Happy Easter. (miss your podcasts but I’m patient in my waiting!)
I understand that feeling of relief when things come to an end; it’s almost a mercy! And more podcasts are in the works….just trying to keep to that list myself 🙂 A blessed Easter to you and yours, and thank you for leaving me a comment.
Thank you for these encouraging words. I think I’ll write this list out and tape it by my kitchen sink, for a reminder! 🙂