…to bake up a batch of fresh bagels. Unless you want to grow the wheat for the flour.
Homemade bagels smell and taste ridiculously delicious, and they are not that hard to make. It involves preparing the dough and rolling them into circles the night before, refrigerating it, and then boiling and baking in the morning. SO yummy!
I think sometimes folks have a romantic notion that when they get their five acres (or 500), then they will learn to bake from scratch or knit mittens or grow a large plot of herbs. Homesteading, however, is less about location and more about a state of mind. You can bake homemade bagels in an apartment in the middle of a city, with nothing more than the doormat as your property outside of it.
The world of books and google put learning all sorts of things easily within your reach. Don’t wait! Enjoy the liberty you have to start learning, try your hand at the things you’ve been dreaming of, and then if the Lord ever does bless you with land, you’ll be way ahead of the curve in getting going.
And fresh bagels taste great split and buttered, toasted over a grill, and then slathered with cream cheese and topped with smoked salmon. It’s a close-your-eyes kind of experience 🙂

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